Valstybinio socialinio draudimo fondo finansavimas: įmokų surinkimo problematika

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Valstybinio socialinio draudimo fondo finansavimas: įmokų surinkimo problematika
Alternative Title:
State social insurance funding: contribution collection problems
In the Journal:
Socialinių mokslų studijos [Societal Studies]. 2011, Nr. 3 (2), p. 551–574
Summary / Abstract:

LTValstybinio socialinio draudimo fondas jau kelerius metus yra deficitinis ne tik dėl visuomenės senėjimo priežasčių, bet ir dėl ekonominės krizės sukelto dalies verslo pasitraukimo į šešėlį. Atitinkamai mažėja socialinio draudimo įmokų mokėtojų skaičius, o Valstybinio socialinio draudimo fondas išmokas gali mokėti tik papildomai skolintomis lėšomis. Kaip sustabdyti neapskaitytos ekonomikos plėtrą ir subalansuoti Socialinio draudimo fondą? Straipsnyje analizuojama ne tik Valstybinio socialinio draudimo fondo biudžeto sandara ir draudėjų atsakomybė, bet ir nagrinėjamos priemonės, kaip kovoti su neapskaityta ekonomika socialinės apsaugos srityje, pateikiami socialinio draudimo įmokų vengimo būdai. Analizuojamos ir priemonės, leidžiančios veiksmingai kovoti su šešėliniu verslu ir galinčios padidinti įplaukas į Socialinio draudimo fondo biudžetą. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Finansavimas; Imokos; Reforma; Socialine apsauga; Socialinė apsauga; Valstybinis socialinis draudimas; Įmokos; Contributions; Financing; Reform; Social protection; State social insurance; State social insurance, contributions.

ENToday's European Union Member States and European Union authorities, faced with economic recession and the globalization phenomenon, look for new ways to ensure adequate social protection systems and sustainability. One of the objectives is to increase the social security number of contributors, not only to attract new contributors, but also to collect revenue from non-observed economy (otherwise known as the "shadow economy"). As the number of social security contributors declines each year, the state looks for ways to make the counterparty eligible for all social security benefits (pension provision, sickness and maternity benefits, occupational accidents and occupational disease benefits, unemployment insurance and health benefits) payment. Of course, when fighting against a shadow economy it is necessary to introduce other reforms - with increasing life expectancy, extending the retirement age (or flexible as is determined by promoting longer work time to earn a higher pension), extending the length of insurance period, and so on. Fighting against shadow economy means not only the reduction of the public deficit or improvement of the management efficiency of the system, but also ensuring the efficiency of social spending and social insurance principles.The public debt aggravates the overall economic situation and the economic recession, but a substantial income is received from the non-observed ("shadow") economy. Thus, the fight against shadow economy and the rising number of social security contributors is currently a key issue in order to balance the state social insurance fund budget and eliminate the deficit, while ensuring the continued payment of social security contributions. The objective of the article is to identify the responsibility for the state social insurance contributions avoidance modes, to create contribution evasion prevention techniques and to summarize the measures for fighting against the "shadow" economy in the field of social security. [From the publication]

2029-2236; 2029-2244
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