Būsimų mokytojų atranka : motyvacinis testas ir jo rezultatai

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Būsimų mokytojų atranka: motyvacinis testas ir jo rezultatai
Alternative Title:
Selection of the future teachers: the motivation test and its results
In the Journal:
Istorija [History]. 2011, Nr. 81, p. 54-58
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje pristatoma 2010 m. motyvacinio vertinimo komisijos darbo patirtis. Aptariami motyvacinio testo privalumai ir trūkumai. Analizuojamas tyrimas, kuriuo siekiama nustatyti įstojusiųjų į Istorijos fakulteto Istorijos programos 2009 m. ir 2010 m. I kursą studentų motyvaciją. Išanalizavus tyrimo duomenis galima konstatuoti, kad 2010 m., palyginti su 2009-aisiais, į VPU Istorijos programą įstojo daugiau motyvuotų studentų, norinčių dirbti mokytojais. Neturinčių motyvacijos studentų skaičius nuo 35 proc. (2009 m.) sumažėjo iki 12 proc. (2010 m.). Motyvacinis testas skatina stojančiuosius atsakingiau rinktis studijų programas. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Mokytojų rengimas; Motyvacijnis testas motyvacijos įvertinimas; Motyvacijos; Motyvacinis testas; Motyvacinis testas, motyvacijos įvertinimas, pedagogų rengimas; Pedagogų rengimas; Įvertinimas; Motivation assessment; Motivation test; Motivation test, motivation assessment, teacher education; Teacher education.

ENIn 2010, the procedure for student acceptance to Lithuania’s higher schools changed, and the future students, who gave preference to pedagogical subjects, had to take the motivation test. Recently conducted researches on the future teachers’ motivation and their selection lead to a conclusion that the motivation of those entering different pedagogical programmes differs. The motivation of the future history teachers has not been researched so far. The article aims to discuss work experience of the motivation assessment commission; it also evaluates and compares first year students’ motivation who entered the History programme (Faculty of History) in the years 2009 and 2010. This aim was achieved on the basis of the documents by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Lithuania, documents by the Lithuanian Higher Education Association of Joint Admission (Lith. LAMA BPO), articles in the periodical press and the questionnaire, prepared by the Didactics Centre of the Faculty of History. The conducted research indicated that a motivation test stimulates the applicants to choose a study programme with a greater responsibility and take into consideration not only their knowledge but personal qualities, relevant for a teacher’s profession, as well. In 2010, compared to 2009, more motivated students, wishing to become teachers, entered the History programme (VPU). The number of unmotivated students dropped from 35 % (in 2009) to 12 % (in 2010). The motivation test could be evaluated as a positive novelty, ensuring qualitative studies and encouraging the graduates of pedagogical studies to go into a teacher’s profession. Taking a motivation test could be treated as some kind of "a rehearsal" before the competition in the labour market. [From the publication]

1392-0456; 2029-7181
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