Specialieji vietos savivaldos principai Lietuvos Respublikoje

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Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Specialieji vietos savivaldos principai Lietuvos Respublikoje
Alternative Title:
Special principles of local self-government in the Republic of Lithuania
In the Journal:
Vadyba [Journal of management]. 2010, Nr. 1 (17), p. 69-78
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojama 2008 m. Lietuvos Respublikos vietos savivaldos įstatymo pakeitimo įstatyme nustatyti specialieji vietos savivaldos principai, jų sistema, pavadinimų formuluotės ir turinys. [...] Vietos savivaldos principų analizė leidžia teigti, kad trūksta nuoseklumo juos formuluojant ir išdėstant. Įstatyme neatskleidžiamas visų principų turinys, skiriasi įstatyme ir Konstitucinio Teismo nutarimuose nurodomas dviejų specialiųjų principų, sutampančių su konstituciniais, turinys, skirtingai formuluojami principų pavadinimai. Straipsnyje nurodomos specialiųjų vietos savivaldos principų ir jų sistemos galimos tobulinimo kryptys. Viena jų – atsisakyti į įstatymą įtraukti konstitucinius vietos savivaldos principus. Juos įstatyme turėtų sukonkretinti specialieji. Mažiau radikali alternatyva – įstatymo straipsnio atskirose dalyse nurodyti konstitucinius ir juos konkretizuojančius specialiuosius vietos savivaldos principus. Taip pertvarkant jų išdėstymą galėtų būti išryškinti ekonominio savarankiškumo, kontrolės ir priežiūros bei kiti principai. Jie sukonkretintų konstitucinius vietos savivaldos principus. Visų specialiųjų vietos savivaldos principų turinys įstatyme turėtų būti apibūdintas. Kita galima principų tobulinimo kryptis – jų pavadinimų formuluočių suvienodinimas. [...] Vietos savivaldos specialiuosius principus reikėtų formuluoti kaip bendrus teisės, konstitucinės ar administracinės teisės principus (pvz., atskaitingumo, teisėtumo) ir apibrėžimuose juos sukonkretinti vietos savivaldos sistemai. Teigiama, kad koreguojant vietos savivaldos principus būtina atsižvelgti į kitų glaudžiai susijusių institutų (viešojo administravimo, valstybės tarnybos) principus. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Vietos savivalda; Vietos savivaldos principai; Local self-government; Principles of local government; Principles of local self-government.

ENThis article analyses system, formulation of titles and content of special principles of local self-government defined in the Law on Amendments to the Law on Local Self-government of the Republic of Lithuania of 2008. […] The aim of the article is to determine directions for improvement of local self-government principles’ system and formulation of titles. Special principles of local self-government belong to one type of local self-government principles; another type is constitution principles. Special local self-government principles are defined as principles of administrative law stated in the legislation, which characterize basis, rules and sources of organization and functioning of the local self-government, as one of the public government systems. In the Law on Amendments to the Law on Local Self-government of 2008, a separate article specifies twelve special principles of local self-government. Five of them are identical to the constitutional local-self government principles. […] Most of the principles are specified for the institute of local self-government using the word "municipality" in the titles. Analysis of local self-government principles allows to state that there is a lack of consistency in their formulation and writing out. The law does not disclose the content of all the principles; the characteristic of content of two special principles specified in resolutions of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania, which conform with constitutional principles, are different, formulation of titles of the principles differs as well. The system of special local self-government principles can be improved by refusing to include in the Law the constitutional local self-government principles.The special principles mentioned in Law should specify the constitutional local self-government principles. A less radical alternative is to refer to constitutional and special local self-government principles in a separate article of the Law. If the Law lists constitutional local self-government principles, the constitutional principle of organization of local self-government institutions and principle of legislative regulation of their activity should be included as well. Such reorganization of the writing out of constitutional local self-government principles would emphasize the principles of economic independency, control and supervision, and others. They would help to specify constitutional local self-government principles. Content of all special local self-government principles should be described in the Law. Another possible direction for improvement of the principles is to unify the formulations of the titles. It is necessary to refuse the formulation of the principle‘s title if it is directly related with the institute of local self-government. Formulation of titles of special principles of local self-government should be similar to formulation of general principles of law, constitutional and administrative law (i.e. representative democracy, publicity) and to make them specific for the system of local self-government. When amendments to the local self-government principles are being made, it is important to respect principles of other closely related institutes (i.e. public administration, public service). This should be done after an extensive comparative analysis of special principles of individual institutes of administrative law. [From the publication]

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