Naujieji teisininkai – chirurgai be anatomijos ir fiziologijos žinių

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Naujieji teisininkai – chirurgai be anatomijos ir fiziologijos žinių
Alternative Title:
New lawyer - surgeons without knowledge of anatomy and physiology
In the Journal:
Jurisprudencija [Jurisprudence]. 2011, Nr. 18 (3), p. 1195-1219
Summary / Abstract:

LTPer pastaruosius keletą metų Lietuvos universitetuose rengiamų teisininkų programose padaryti pakeitimai – kriminologija iš privalomų dalykų perkelta į alternatyviai pasirenkamų dalykų sąrašą. Dėl to Lietuvoje vis daugėja naujųjų teisininkų, kurie nėra studijavę kriminologijos, kurie apie nusikaltėlius, nusikaltimų aukas, nusikalstamumą, jo priežastis ir poveikio jam būdus turi mąstymo stereotipais pagrįstą, buitinio lygio supratimą. Tačiau naujieji teisininkai, būdami specialistais, tyrėjais, advokatais, prokurorais, teisėjais, vaidina bene lemiamą vaidmenį baudžiamajame procese, sprendžia žmonių likimus, visuomenės išteklių panaudojimo nusikalstamumo kontrolei ir prevencijai klausimus. Straipsnyje nagrinėjama, kokias pasekmes dėl to patiria naujieji teisininkai ir Lietuvos visuomenė, analizuojama kriminologinio supratimo svarba. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Kriminologija; Studijų programa; Teisininkų kompetencija; Teisės studijos; Competencies of lawyers; Criminology; Law studies; Undergraduate studies program.

EN[...] Purpose of the article is to assess what criminological competencies are important to lawyers today, what are the possible consequences for the Lithuanian society if lawyers do not acquire these competencies. There are used the methods of analysis, aggregation, comparison and others. Objects of the research are competencies of lawyers acquired during the study of modern criminology, its importance to the lawyers and to the society. Research limitations: analysed only regular undergraduate degree programs (Bachelor) of the law direction of universities in order to avoid unnecessary and non-essential issues. There analysed only part of the integrated study programs (join Bachelor and Master) by the choice of specialization. The article examines the reasons why criminology has become the subject of an alternative choice, what alternative subjects are offered, whether they are suitable as an alternative to criminology. Here examined the legal aspects of study program creation and preparation of the lawyers. Author raises questions: is it possible let the lawyers to serve in a criminal justice system, if they do not have the scientific knowledge about crime, its causes and impact on it in effective ways? Can we let perform an operation by the surgeon who hasn’t knowledge of human anatomy and physiology?.The author concludes that criminology knowledge and Lithuania’s need of this know ledge changing in opposite directions -the need is increasing, but the knowledge is decreasing. Prison population rate (per 100,000 of the population) in Lithuania is one of the largest in the European Union and almost two times higher than the EU average. Widespread aware ness of strengthening of sanctions as an effective method for crime prevention in Lithuanian society and even the criminal justice professionals is one of the factors that hinder successful solution of the crime problem brings us all to suffer harm. Criminology in Lithuanian universities is not currently a compulsory subject (except for two programmes of Mykolas Romeris University). Universities do not provide a proper alternative for criminology. The subject "Legal Philosophy and Sociology" (3 credits) is partly suitable alternative for criminology at the Vilnius University. This subject is obligatory for all student of the law at the Vilnius University. The author concludes that Lithuanian universities have the capacity to determine what competencies must acquire the lawyers. There must be achieved, that the lawyers would not be able to participate in criminal proceedings, as professionals, if they have not completed the course in Criminology and passed the exam. [From the publication]

1392-6195; 2029-2058
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