Viešųjų vertybių inventorizacija : nuo teorinių postulatų link jų įteisinimo

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Viešųjų vertybių inventorizacija: nuo teorinių postulatų link jų įteisinimo
Alternative Title:
Inventory of public values: from theoretical postulates towards their legitimation
In the Journal:
Organizacijų vadyba: sisteminiai tyrimai [Management of Organizations: Systematic Research]. 2011, Nr. 57, p. 63-80
Subject Category:
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje aptariama viešojo administravimo tyrinėtojų nuostata dėl viešųjų vertybių identifikavimo. Remiantis T. B. Jorgenseno ir B. Bozemano išskirtomis vertybių kategorijomis bei atlikta vertybių inventorizacija, kontent analizės metodo pagalba atlikta LR Konstitucijos, pagrindinių įstatymų, reglamentuojančių valstybės tarnautojų veiklą, septyniolikos Lietuvos viešojo administravimo institucijų etikos kodeksų analizė. Dalis vakarų mokslininkų identifikuotų ir Lietuvoje įteisintų viešųjų vertybių yra panašios, nors išryškėja ir kai kurie skirtumai. Pabaigoje pateikiamos tolimesnės šio tyrimo plėtojimo galimybės. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Vertybės; Viešosios vertybės; Etikos kodeksas; Kontent analizė; Values; Public values; Code of ethics; Content analysis.

ENThe topic of values still remains one of the most complex and compulsive. Lithuanian researchers (sociologists, philosophers, ethicists) concentrate their attention on various aspects of values, but it is evident that the topic of values lacks such attention among public administration researchers. Such a situation encouraged the author to study the existing public values in Lithuania. Three questions were formulated in the introductory part of the paper: 1) What public values have been distinguished by researchers? 2) What values and principles Lithuanian civil servants and employees of public sector institutions have to follow? 3) Does these two value groups coincide? The paper consists of two parts: theoretical and empirical which is followed by the discussion trying to answer the above raised questions. The following research methods were used: analysis of scientific literature, analysis of legislation, content analysis and comparative analysis. Representatives of social science relate values with priorities, beliefs, wishes and ideals. It's complicated not just to define values but to measure them too. Values influence behavior, decisions and help the person to better understand the world and oneself. Together with values such terms as principles, norms and standards are used. Analyzing public values first of all we concentrate our attention towards government activity, though private sector, NGO, groups of persons or even particular individuals promote their implementation. The paper presents the inventory of public values and their groups distinguished by T. B. Jorgensen and B. Bozeman which is used by the author as a starting point of her analysis. Their inventory was created after a study of scientific publications 1990-2003. The empirical part of the paper was conducted with the help of content analysis.Having examined public values set in the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania (1992), the author concentrates upon the main laws regulating the civil servants' activity and codes of ethics existing in 17 public administration institutions. 19 public values are emphasized in the Constitutional document, whereas several different principles (principles of civil service, main ethical principles, and public administration principles) can be found in Law on Civil Service and Law on Public Administration. Various values and ethical principles are listed in Codes of ethics existing in Lithuania. 70 public values (table 9) were mentioned in Lithuanian legal acts and codes of ethics. The author groups them into several categories (table 8) but at the same time stresses that some values are similar in their content. Some values reflect relationship between administrators and politicians, transformation of interests into decisions, the input of public sector to society wellbeing; others stress internal organizational public administration aspects, guidelines of public employees conduct or their relationship with citizens. The author concludes that some public values distinguished by Western researchers and legalized in Lithuania are similar, though some differences are evident. More traditional public values are evident in Lithuanian legislation and only few new values emphasized by New Public Management (efficiency and economy) are mentioned. Consistency of activity, promptitude, responsiveness and altruism are among the values which is like terra incognito and still have to be discovered. Concluding remarks provide the future perspective how this topic can be elaborated. [From the publication]

1392-1142; 2335-8750
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