National minorities and citizenship rights in Lithuania, 1988-93

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Anglų kalba / English
National minorities and citizenship rights in Lithuania, 1988-93
Publication Data:
Basingstoke ; Palgrave, 2000.
xii, 255 p
Studies in Russia and East Europe
Bibliografija ir rodyklė.
List of Maps and Figures — Acknowledgements — Note on Transliteration — Conceptual and Methodological Issues Concerning Citizenship Rights of National Minorities — Why are citizenship rights important? — Democracy and civil society — Nationalism and national movements — Methodological issues — Structure of the book — National Minorities Issues between the Two World Wars — Minority treaties and declarations — Lithuanian legislation on national minorities and Jewish national autonomy — Anti-Semitism — The first Soviet occupation — The Holocaust — Opposition Movements and the Birth of the Lithuanian National Movement — The birth of opposition movements — The birth of Sajudis and the ‘new’ Communist Party — The Issue of Citizenship in Lithuania: Legislation and the Ways it was Perceived — Lithuanian legislation on citizenship — Lithuanian politicians and the way they perceived their minority legislation — Introduction to Part II — Russian Responses — We label them Russians but who are they? — Russian responses to citizenship issues — Russian organisations — Migration — Polish Demands — How much do the Poles differ among themselves? — Polish perception of their citizenship rights — The Union of Poles — Polish passivity — ‘Here everything is about history’: the Vilnius question — Territorial autonomy — Jewish Answers — The Holocaust in contemporary Lithuania – a formula of symmetry — Rehabilitation of Lithuanians who took part in the Holocaust — Different Jews and the Holocaust — Jewish emigration — Postscript: Concluding remarks on events until 1993; 1993 to the present — Appendixes: Demographic data; Education; Mass media; Questionnaire; Leaflet — Notes — Bibliography — Index.
Summary / Abstract:

LTKnygoje nagrinėjami tautinių mažumų teisių ir pilietybės klausimai Lietuvoje 1998-1993 metais. Knygą sudaro dvi dalys. Pirmoji dali skirta teoriniamssvarstymams apie pilietybės teises, nacionalizmą ir tautines mažumas. Nagrinėjama įtampa tarp pilietybės (išskirtinio nacionalizmo principo) ir poreikio demokratinėje valstybėje į piliečių gretas integruoti teritorines tautines mažumas. Pirmojoje dalyje taip pat pristatomas istorinis tautinių mažumų ir jų teisių užtikrinimo kontekstas tarpukario Lietuvoje, plačiau analizuojant tuometinę žydų tautinės mažumos padėtį. Po to nagrinėjama tautinių mažumų situacija sovietinės eros pabaigoje, bręstant tautiniam atgimimui ir įsikūrus Lietuvos Persitvarkymo Sąjūdžiui. Apžvelgiami įvairių vietos tautinių mažumų požiūrio į nacionalinio išsilaisvinimo judėjimo politiką skirtumai. Pirmoji dalis baigiama su tautinių mažumų statusu bei teisėmis susijusio teisinio reguliavimo Nepriklausomoje Lietuvoje 1989-1993 m. analize, nagrinėjamos Lietuvos politinio elito nuostatos šiuo klausimu. Pereinant nuo pirmojo prie antrojo knygos skyriaus, aiškinama, kaip pilietybės klausimai yra susiję su tautinio tapatumo paieškomis. Antrojoje knygos dalyje pristatomi empirinio atvejo tyrimo, atlikto 1992 m. rudenį ir žiemą bei 1993 m. vasarą, rezultatai. Šiame tyrime nagrinėta, kaip Lietuvoje gyvenančių rusų, lenkų ir žydų tautinių mažumų atstovai suvokia savo teises ir dabartinę padėtį atsikūrusioje Lietuvos valstybėje.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Pilietinės teisės, Lietuva; Pilietybė, teisės, Lietuva 1988-93; Tautinės mažumos; Tautynės mažumos; Citizenship Rights; Lithuania; Lithuania in 1988-93; National Minorities.

ENThe book deals with issues on rights and citizenship of ethnical minorities in Lithuania from 1989 to 1993. The book consists of two parts. The first one is dedicated to theoretical considerations about citizenship rights, nationalism and ethnical minorities. The tension between the citizenship (an exclusive principle of nationalism) and the need to integrate territorial ethnical minorities into citizens in a democratic state. The historical context of ethnical minorities and ensuring of their rights in inter-war Lithuania are also provided for through a broader analysis of the situation of the Jewish ethnical minority at that time in the first part. Then, the situation of ethnical minorities at the end of the Soviet era, when the national revival was on the way and the Reform Movement of Lithuania was established, is analysed. Differences in the approach of different local ethnical minorities to the policy of the national liberation movement are overviewed. The first part is completed with the status and rights of ethnical minorities; the analysis of the related legal regulation in independent Lithuania from 1989 to 1993 and the attitude of the Lithuanian political elite in this respect. While moving from the first chapter to the second one, it is explained how citizenship issues are related to the search for the national identity. The results of the empirical case study, conducted in autumn and winter 1992 and summer 1993 are provided in the second part of the book. This study looked into how the representatives of the Russian, Polish and Jewish ethnical minorities residing in Lithuania understand their rights and their current situation in the restored state of Lithuania.

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