Egzistenciniu mąstymu grindžiamas tikybos mokymas

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Egzistenciniu mąstymu grindžiamas tikybos mokymas
Alternative Title:
Towards existential thinking in religious education
In the Journal:
Pedagogika [Pedagogy]. 2010, 100, p. 115-127
Summary / Abstract:

LTKokia tikybos mokymo kryptis šiuolaikinėje visuomenėje, kaip religinis ugdymas galėtų praplėsti asmens ugdymo galimybes? Straipsnyje aptariami egzistencinio mąstymo bruožai, egzistencialistų S. Kierkegaardo, M. Heideggerio, G. Marcelio mintys apie būtį, Transcendenciją, žmogaus ryšį su Dievu. Pristatomi tyrimo duomenys apie egzistencinę jaunimo savivoką Lietuvoje. Rekomenduojamos tikybos mokymo gairės, grindžiamos egzistenciniu mąstymu, kurio požymiai - rūpestis gyvenimu, prieštaravimų įveika, prasmės ir laimės ieškojimas. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Asmuo; Egzistencinis mąstymas; Transcendencija; Tikybos mokymas; Individual; Existential thinking; Transcendence; Religious education.

ENIn the abundant flow of information, various meanings, unexpected formations, intercrossing o f values and different cultures now circulate. Society is involved in to the maze of world-view, an area without landmarks, where it is easy to get confused. Dr. Meilė Lukšienė in the very dawn of the independent Lithuania thought on how to create a system of education in which our nation were not just exist, but rather be enhanced, unfold for its political, economic and cultural life, and acquire the foundations of humanity in modern society. She sought to shape education based on cultural training and humanistic psychology. The question is what the mission of religious teaching is in the contemporary society, and in what ways this teaching can help in personal development, and finding the direction of one's life? The first part analyzes the concept of philosophical thinking in the existential context. S. Kierkegaard's stages of existential choices — ethical, aesthetic, religious — are further discussed. M. Heidegger's concept of existence, and the importance of opening up in human existence. G. Marcel's reference to deepening of a person's and God' s relationship is examined here, too. Existential thinking is a permanent becoming and movement towards the mystery, a human and the world. The second part analyzes the empirical research on the existential understanding of youth. The results have proved that the young human constantly raises existential questions: Who I am? Where I go?, Whether is it worth living? What the meaning of life is? What believe in? Humans are constantly looking for rational and experiential contact with reality, themselves, and the beyond.For the true existence and livelihood, a person must become oriented towards the future, to be able to assess the situation and own capacity, making the choice between options and finding themselves in the life and the world. In the third paragraph the guidelines for religious education are proposed, based on existential mind set. Lithuanian education is guided by an integral and holistic concept of personality. In religious education the concept of Imago Dei is essential concerning the attitude towards person, giving meaning to human existence. Education for freedom and responsibility, discussing the substantive issues of life applying positive thinking, and searching for answers based on science and faith - this is the direction of religious education. For the implementation of the educational process phenomenological dialogue and reflection are proposed. Training existential thinking means care for life, defeat of conflicts, and search f or meaning and happiness. [From the publication]

1392-0340; 2029-0551
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