Veiklos reflektavimo ir mokymosi teorinėse studijose universitete integralumas

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Veiklos reflektavimo ir mokymosi teorinėse studijose universitete integralumas
Alternative Title:
Integrity of the action reflection and learning during theoretical studies at university
In the Journal:
Pedagogika. 2010, 99, p. 38-44
Aukštasis mokslas. Studijos / Higher education. Study.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje atskleidžiami universitete specialiąją pedagogiką studijuojančių studentų veiklos reflektavimo ir mokymosi teorinėse studijose aspektai. Analizuojamos būsimų specialiųjų pedagogų mokymosi strategijos ir prioritetai, nuostatos įgyjamų žinių atžvilgiu bei atliekamos veiklos reflektavimo ir teorinių žinių integravimo ypatumai studijuojant. Atskleidžiamos asmeninės patirties reflektavimo ir mokymosi iš jos galimybės bei svarba studijų metu. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Integralumas; Studijos universitete; Teorinės studijos; Veiklos reflektavimas; Integrity; Studies at university; Theoretical studies; Action reflection.

ENPhilosophy of the action reflection and learning, based on the reflection in the institution of the higher education starts from the everyday experience. It is important for students to understand that the education is significant for them as well as the educator must understand the significance of his/her work. Reflection helps feeling and sensing experience; it may enhance learning and overall personal as well as professional efficiency; experience and its analysis - must be one of the main educational aims at the institution of the higher education. The aim of the article is to describe and substantiate integrity aspects of reflection and learning of future special pedagogues during theoretical studies. The object of the research is the integrity of the action reflection and learning during theoretical studies. Methods of the research: 1) the questionnaire; 2) statistical research data analysis. The data was processed using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. It emerged from the context of meaningfulness of educational knowledge of students at university as well as its integrity of application in practice, that: future special pedagogues pay greater attention to the process of gathering factual material in the process of studies and its quantity rather than to meta-cognitive educational strategies by reflecting over gained knowledge and relating it with experience. Knowledge is absorbed mechanically, neither reflecting nor finding possible advantages in future professional action as well as substantiating the significance and applicability of the knowledge; students learn by making efforts to absorb new knowledge by guessing intuitively and selecting the essential information, refusing everything not corresponding to provisions in learning.Even though many students, during the process of studies, consider possibilities of applying the gained knowledge in professional activity and make efforts to analyze the content of given knowledge, a part of students encounter difficulties of using this knowledge in everyday life and practical action, so attempts are made to guess the significance of the knowledge and educational content intuitively, without any deliberate personal endeavours. After the evaluation of integration of the experience reflection into theoretical studies at university, the following aspects of students' learning were revealed: personal ideas and experience of students are valued less favourably than those, which are presented from books; as the result of the mentioned above, intellectual action of a formal nature, not using educational experience, is encouraged. Students reason the importance of action reflection and integration during the process of theoretical studies, but rarely have a possibility to learn from their own experience during studies by discussing formerly gained theoretical knowledge. The process of studies lacks possibilities for students to learn from their own experience as well as to interconnect their former experience with educational material. The need to develop favourable conditions for students to reflect their action more often and to integrate it during the process of theoretical studies appears. [From the publication]

1392-0340; 2029-0551
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