LTDaugiasluoksnių archeologinių objektų, ypač akmens amžiaus smėlinių gyvenviečių, tyrimai dėl persimaišiusių skirtingų laikotarpių radinių dažnai, atrodo, teikia mažai informacijos. Tačiau kompleksiškai taikant erdvinę-statistinę analizę ir stebint gautų rezultatų tarpusavio koreliaciją bei ryšį su gamtos mokslų tyrimų, eksperimentinės archeologijos, etnoarcheologijos duomenimis, įmanoma išskirti įvairių laikotarpių kompleksus ir juos datuoti, nustatyti archeologinių objektų vidaus stniktūrą ar net atkurti žmonių gyvenseną. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Archeologinis objektas; Veiklos vykdymo vieta; Erdvinė analizė; Agregacijos indeksas; Segregacijos indeksas; Archaeological site; Activity area; Intrasite spatial analysis; Segregation index; Aggregation index.
ENThe researches of multilayer archaeological sites, particularly of sandy soil Stone Age settlements seems to be less informative because of mixed artefacts of different periods. Nevertheless applying intrasite spatial-statistical analyses and correlating with data of radiocarbon analysis researches of landscape micro-topographical floral and faunal features as well as ethno-archaeology and experimental archaeology patterns gets possible to extract and date different period complexes or activity areas, define internal structure and formation processes of archaeological sites. Studying the site formation processes there were made a number of assumptions concerning the spatial distribution of the artefacts: 1) human activities result in the patterned distribution of artefacts and features; 2) artefacts were used and discarded in the same general area; 3) the tool categories defined by the archaeologists represent functionally discrete and significant units; 4) during a period of occupation, recurring activities were performed in the same general location of the site. The spatial analyses in this article are illustrated by using data from Stone Age multilayer Katra 2nd settlement (Varėna Dist., Southern Lithuania). One of the simplest methods to describe the horizontal distribution of the artefacts on a site is a contour diagram. Contour diagrams demonstrate the location of the majority of the finds, that the concentrations have differential density and shape, as well as the variability in the densities within the concentrations (Fig. 1). There is easy to interpret these diagrams with help of ethno- archaeology and experimental archaeology patterns. Most clearly defined model of the creation and use of a hunter-gather activity area is the hearth centered-drop and toss zone model developed by L. R. Binford.Most intrasite spatial-statistical analysis such as Nearest Neighbour Analysis (Fig. 2) Segregation and Aggregation Index (Fig. 3) A-index of Association (Fig. 4) are essentially a three fold operation: 1) define the distribution of each artefact as random regular or clustered; 2) analyse the degree of association between two or more artefact types; 3) classify the artefact clusters according to their location contents and size. Those analyses are largely focused on the distribution of pairs of artefact groups with low density (tools and retouched artefacts) and operate on coordinate data. Multivariate methods that define concentration of artefacts on the basis of assemblage composition have several advantages over bivariate methods that emphasize artefact location. Unconstrained Clustering is a multivariate method of spatial analysis that provides the means to describe the associations between a number of artefact types across the site both graphically and numerically (Fig. 5-6). The information on these means may be used for interpretation and reconstruction of the behaviour or formation processes which produced the concentration of artefacts at these sites. [From the publication]