Choro kaip besimokančios organizacijos tyrimo parametrai

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Choro kaip besimokančios organizacijos tyrimo parametrai
Alternative Title:
Research parameters of a choir as a learning organization
In the Journal:
Socialiniai mokslai. 2010, Nr. 2 (68), p. 37-49
Subject Category:
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje pagrindžiami choro kaip besimokančios organizacijos tyrimo parametrai, kurių metodologinis pagrindas - Senge (1990) besimokančios organizacijos modeliu, kurį sudaro keturios komponentės: asmeninis meistriškumas, mentaliniai modeliai, susiliejančios vizijos kūrimas, mokymasis komandoje, sisteminis mąstymas. Choro kaip besimokančios organizacijos parametrai grindžiami choro, choro vadovo bei choristų lygmenyse. Siekiant tyrimo tikslo taip pat analizuojamas Derrick (2003) choro vadovo - nuolat besimokančio savybių tarpusavio sąveikos modelis. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Besimokanti organizacija; Choras; Learning organization; Choir.

ENArticle aims to present the parameters of a choir as a learning organization by applying the analysis of research literature. Main concepts. Choir as a learning organization is researched basing upon widely!spread concepts of educational and management sciences. In general choir as a learning organization is perceived as an organization with constant learning taking place: first of all learning from each other – on individual and collective levels (Polanyi, 1958; Nonaka, Takeuchi, 1995). The concept of lifelong learning is the bas is for the research of learning on individual level (Longworth, 2000). The parameters of a choir as a learning organization are revealed by applying Senge’s (1990) pattern of a learning organization which consists of five components: personal mastery, cognitive patterns, creation of a shared vision, team learning and systemic thinking. Conclusions. The research of a choir as a learning organization parameters according to Senge’s (1990) pattern of a learning organization manifested a direct influence of the choirmaster on the choir and the choristers according to all components of Senge ’s (1990) pattern of a learning organization: personal mastery, cognitive patterns, creation of a shared vision, team learning and systematic thinking. Pursuing his own personal mastery the choirmaster acts as a constant learner. He has a distinct goal for improvement which is presented to the choristers in order to enable education of their personal mastery. A direct influence of a choirmaster reflects when the choristers accept the goal for learning and improvement, explore the limits of their knowing, capabilities and competences and the direction of improvement as well as uniting with the choirmaster, the conductor and other choristers in a creative strain.The characteristics of creation of cognitive patterns in a choir is manifested by a choirmaster creating cognitive patterns related to the limitations of development and the "changing burden". By creating cognitive patterns related to limitations of development the choirmaster enables the choristers not to criticize each other but search for technical solutions of a problem, reflect on action and participate in activities/changes aiming for forceful interpretation. The creation of choirmaster’s patterns related to "changing burden" enables the choristers to be in a constant state of selfdetermination during the interpretation and to learn in pursuit of their own truth. The activity of creating of a shared vision in a choir manifests when a choirmaster reveals the composer‘s idea and his own understanding of execution of the piece of music to the choristers, forms his understanding about the execution. In pursuit of the shared vision, the choirmaster aims for the partner ship with the entire choir, vocal groups and separate choristers thus enabling communication between choristers and the choirmaster, other members of vocal groups among themselves. Acting as an enabler of learning in a team, the choirmaster maintains a "stable routine" striving for a teamwork as a daily phenomenon and also by recognizing the results of the teamwork and thus enabling the choristers to accept the "stable" routine. Simultaneously, the choirmaster aims for synchronization as development of consistency and enables the choristers for it. The activity of a choirmaster as an enabler of systematic thinking manifests in the activity of a conductor as a creator of an integrated interpretation and an innovator of an artistic view . In this manner, the choirmaster not just enables learning of the choristers on various levels but also enables the choristers to become the participants in creation of the integrated interpretation. [abstract from autho

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