LTĮ rinktinę sudėti žinomo Vilniaus universiteto profesoriaus, savito stiliaus mokslininko, nuoseklaus gimtosios kalbos puoselėtojo Juozo Pikčilingio straipsniai, gvildenantys stilistikos problemas, kalbos ir stiliaus kultūros, mokinių stiliaus ugdymo, teksto stilistikos, mokslinio, meninio, publicistinio ir kanceliarinio stiliaus dalykus. Taip pat pateikiama žiupsnelis recenzijų, atsiminimų apie garsiuosius zanavykus, paties autoriaus vaizdingo ir įtaigaus stiliaus pavyzdžių, rodančių jo meilę gyvajai šnekamajai kalbai. Skiriama mokslininkams, stilistikos dėstytojams, studentams, mokytojams ir mokiniams, leidyklų redaktoriams, spaudos, radijo ir televizijos darbuotojams..., visiems, kam rūpi lietuvių kalbos likimas. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Stilistika; Pikčilingis; Kalbos kultūra; Stilistics; Pikčilingis; Language cultivation.
ENSince the death of Juozas Pikčilingis (on October 17, 1991), the fundamental scholarly works by this professor at Vilnius University and founder of Lithuanian stylistics have been assessed and recognized by his contemporaries and students and by stylists of the younger generation. Lithuanian stylistics began to develop with Pikčilingis, who delineated the guidelines for later research far into the future. Not even one younger stylist or scholar specializing in Lithuanian usage has matured without Pikčilingis' school, without his guidance, without his reviews, responses, articles, and fundamental books. Pikčilingis stands out from the other eminent linguists of his time in that he did not withdraw into a learned shell but through his native speech entered the culture and history of his nation, its society, its morality and spiritual development. This fact can especially be seen in his articles, most of which are not scholarly articles as we understand this genre today; they are worthwhile, however, in that they provided a platform for the spread of his theoretical ideas or, more often, were the result of his theoretical research. From Pikčilingis' articles we can see that his scholarly activity is inseparable from his pedagogical and extremely energetic social activity. Pikčilingis was not only a theoretician but also a practitioner, a teacher, an orator, a popular educator concerned with the education of his entire nation.Usually, he did not write articles for linguists or even for students of linguistics (his scholarly books were intended for them). Instead, he wrote for the general public, for teachers and pupils; he wrote for journalists and editors, for workers in the press, in radio, and in television; he wrote for physicians, farmers, architects, engineers, and construction workers; he wrote for everyone who needed his words. Moreover, Pikčilingis' articles are a mirror of the stylistics of his time; they are valuable documents of the history of linguistics. At that time, the linguistic study of style was still taking only its first steps into the greater field of linguistics. Published for the first time, Juozas Pikčilingis' "Selected Works on Stylistics" contains articles that appeared in the press on problems in stylistics. Through these articles, their author emerges as a scholar with a distinctive style and as a consistent maker of language policy who nurtured his readers' feeling for language and style and protected our native tongue from the influence of foreign languages. [From the publication]