Viešosios paslaugos : verslo inkubavimas

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Viešosios paslaugos: verslo inkubavimas
Alternative Title:
Public services: business incubation
In the Journal:
Viešasis administravimas [Public Administration]. 2010, Nr. 1/2, p. 81-89
Summary / Abstract:

LT[...] Verslo inkubavimas apima procesą nuo įmonių įsikūrimo iki augimo, kol jos pasiekia tokią stadiją, kai jau gali savarankiškai vykdyti savo veiklą ir rizikos būti sužlugdytoms laipsnį sumažinant iki minimumo. Šiame kontekste išryškėja verslo inkubavimo procesas, kuris pasireiškia jo teikiamomis paslaugomis. Verslo inkubatoriuose teikiamos paslaugos sudaro holistinį paramos verslui mechanizmą, kuris apima materialines, nematerialines ir finansines paslaugas inkubuojamoms įmonėms. Verslo inkubavimo procesas duoda geresnių rezultatų, kai paslaugų teikėjai daugiau dėmesio skiria nematerialiosioms paslaugoms, tokiu būdu remdami įmones ir spartindami jų sėkmingą vystymąsi ir plėtrą. Teikiant nematerialines paslaugas dagiau dėmesio turėtų būti skiriama šių paslaugų teikėjų kvalifikacijos kėlimui bei tinkamam pasirengimui konsultuojant SVV įmones. Pabrėžtina, kad verslo inkubavimo paslaugų teikimas ir jų specifika skiriasi verslo inkubavimo procese: vienos paslaugos yra svarbesnės būdamos priešinkubacinės stadijos, kitos – inkubavimo ar poinkubacinės stadijų. Be to, paminėtina, kad ir patys verslo inkubavimo paslaugų teikėjai, ypač verslo inkubatoriai, pereina savo veiklos vystymo stadijas. Priklausomai nuo verslo inkubatoriaus veiklos išvystymo laipsnio, skiriasi ir įmonėms suteikiamų paslaugų kokybė bei kiekybė. Atlikta inkubuojamų įmonių veiklos analizė rodo, kad vis daugiau SVV įmonių Lietuvoje įsitraukia į verslo inkubavimo procesą bei toliau sėkmingai vysto savo veiklą, sukurdamos naujų darbo vietų ir taip prisidėdamos prie ekonomikos augimo. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Smulkaus ir vidutinio verslo įmonės; Smulkus ir vidutinis verslas; Verslo inkubavimas; Viešosios paslaugos; Business incubation; Public services; Small and medium business (SME); Small and medium business (SME).

ENThe emergence of regionalism in the global economy discloses a diminishing role of the traditional national state. Changes in the political and socioeconomic perspective during the transition from a national to regional scale correspond to mutually related processes of decrease in the influence of a national state and the emergence of regionalism. Some specific features of regionalism are intensification of region oneness, development of a different range using means of regional policy on internal, national and international levels. The regional development policy is oriented towards reduction of regional disparities within the country, and it should cover all spheres of activity, all community members and their interests, which impact the quality of human life in the current environment and taking into consideration the current possibilities. The reason why social differences between the country’s regions emerge and do not diminish is the uneven regional economic development due to insufficient coordination of development processes. Economic development is closely related to the theories on economic growth, which analyse the impact of various factors on economic growth. Importance of small and medium business for national economic and social development is undeniable. Namely, especially SMEs enterprises, confronting with business development problems, experience failures in the market. Increasing competitiveness and development of SME’s enterprises, more and more attention is given for public services for the SME’s business and to the aspects of safeguarding their quality.Services for business providing is concurrent part of the economic growth policies in any EU country, in which support for business and public services providing systems and instruments are very diverse. One from the forms of public services is business incubation. The idea of business incubation rests on the premise that start-up business require a lot of funds for the investments, whereas entrepreneurs do not have bail for the bank loan and do not has any knowledge about activity management, although has good idea or invention. Therefore, business incubation embrace the whole process from the establishment of enterprises, till they achieve such a stage when they are able independently manage all activities while the risk to be disrupted is minimally lessened. In this context it must be highlighted business incubation process which self-actualizes through services provided in the business incubators thus providing holistic mechanism for business support, embracing material, non material and financial services for business incubators. Business incubation process provide better results if services providers give more attention for non material services, thus supporting enterprises and accelerating their successful development and growth. Particular attention must be given for qualification improvement of business services providers and appropriate preparation for business enterprises consulting. It must be emphasized that providing of business services and their specifics distinguishes in the process of business incubation: some of them are more important in the business pre-incubation stage, others during the incubation or post-incubation stages […]. [text from author]

1648-4541; 2351-7069
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