Lietuvos savivaldos institucijų personalo atitikties strateginiams ekonomikos reikalavimams tyrimas

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvos savivaldos institucijų personalo atitikties strateginiams ekonomikos reikalavimams tyrimas
Alternative Title:
Analysis of the compliance of the personnel of Lithuanian local government institutions with strategic economic requirements
In the Journal:
Socialinių mokslų studijos [Societal Studies]. 2010, Nr. 6, p. 53-68
Subject Category:
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje pateikta personalo strateginio valdymo samprata, išanalizuoti personalo strateginio valdymo modeliai. Atliktas Lietuvos savivaldos institucijų personalo atitikties strateginiams ekonomikos reikalavimams tyrimas. Tyrimas aprėpia keturias savivaldybių ekonomikos plėtros sritis: 1) didelės pridėtinės vertės pramonės plėtrą, 2) smulkiojo ir vidutinio verslo (SVV) įmonių vystymą, 3) transporto infrastruktūros gerinimą, 4) turizmo ir poilsio paslaugų plėtrą. Nustatyta, kad didžiausia Lietuvos savivaldos institucijų personalo neatitiktis strateginių ekonomikos reikalavimų yra plėtojant aukštos pridėtinės vertės pramonę ir rengiant bei įgyvendinant SVV finansinės paramos priemones. Nepakankama savivaldos institucijų personalo atitiktis strateginiams ekonomikos reikalavimams vykdant subalansuotą transporto sistemos modernizavimo politiką. Personalas mažai skiria dėmesio kuriant transporto sistemą, garantuojančią įvairių transporto įmonių vykdomų vežimų koordinavimą užtikrinant savivaldybės nustatytus transporto maršrutams kriterijus ir tikslus. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Personalas; Planavimas; Strategija; Valdymas; Žmogiškieji ištekliai; Human resource; Management; Personnel; Planning; Strategy.

ENThe author of the present paper presents the concept of strategic human resource management, analyzes the models of human resource strategy development as well as the compliance of the personnel of Lithuanian local government institutions with strategic economic requirements. The article recommends setting the criteria for the evaluation of the success factors of human resource strategy implementation, because every strategic goal can have different success factors and a different evaluation scale. […] It is suggested that the development of human resource management strategy would include the setting of strategic goals for staff, the evaluation of the importance of every human resource management function for the achievement of strategic goals, the selection of the implementation methods for each important human resource management function, the investigation of investment needs, and the development of "need packets" according to the investment efficiency and the strategic importance of human resource management functions. What regards the development of a human resource policy, the author recommends designing systems for the evaluation of the internal factors and external environment future trends of an organization, which would help to determine quantitative and qualitative personnel needs. It is suggested to establish organizational values which will be given priority in the future and the methods for estimating value parameters. It is recommended to design the system of individual and organizational goal matching. The lowest compliance with strategic requirements in Lithuanian local governments is observed in the development of high value added industry.When implementing this strategic goal, strategic factors are underused, i.e. the staff do not participate in the development of regional industry clustering programmes. […] The compliance of the personnel with strategic requirements in the creation of favourable conditions for small and medium enterprise (SME) development is not clear-cut. The development and implementation of SME programmes are considered as average. There is a lack of personnel responsibility in the design and implementation of SME financial support tools in local governments. […] The compliance of the personnel with strategic requirements in the improvement of transport infrastructure is satisfactory in many cases according to three success factors: local and regional road infrastructure improvement; renovation and expansion of local governments’ public transport parks, and preparation of studies for road extension for all types of transport. Apprehension of personnel tasks, implementation speed, and skills of the implementation of the balanced transport system modernization policy are evaluated rather low. The compliance of local government personnel with strategic requirements in the development of tourism and recreation services is average in many cases based on four personnel success factors: establishment and expansion of entertainment centres; preparation of the recreational sport development programmes (and their implementation coordination); reconstruction, restoration, and adaptation for tourism of the local government cultural heritage objects; preparation and implementation coordination of touristic route programmes. Personnel apprehension, activities, and skills in the development of uniform tourism information system in the local governments are sufficient. [From the publication]

2029-2236; 2029-2244
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2018-12-17 12:43:56
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