Organizacijos klimato būklė padalinio ir organizacijos lygmenyse : tyrimo rezultatų lyginamoji analizė

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Organizacijos klimato būklė padalinio ir organizacijos lygmenyse: tyrimo rezultatų lyginamoji analizė
Alternative Title:
Organisational climate on the levels of the department and the organisation: comparative analysis
In the Journal:
Organizacijų vadyba: sisteminiai tyrimai [Management of Organizations: Systematic Research]. 2010, Nr. 54, p. 115-129
Summary / Abstract:

LTOrganizacijos klimatas, veikiamas įvairių veiksnių, daro poveikį organizaciniams ir psichologiniams procesams, o per juos – organizacijos veiklos rezultatams. Tyrimo tikslas: išanalizuoti organizacijos klimato būklę padalinio ir organizacijos lygmenyse. Organizacijos klimato būklė atsispindi per tokius kriterijus kaip saugumas / apibrėžtumas, kūrybiškumas / iniciatyva, vertybės / tradicijos, atėjimas į organizaciją bei išėjimas, komunikacija, informacijos sklaida, santykiai su vadovais, kontrolė, darbuotojų tarpusavio santykiai, atvirumas / tolerantiškumas, neformalios grupuotės, konfliktai. Daugelis kriterijų rodo, kad organizacijos klimatas prastesnis visos organizacijos lygmenyje, o padalinyje klimatas – „šiltesnis“. Išanalizavus organizacijos ir padalinio rezultatus pavienių teiginių lygmenyje, ryškėja tokios tendencijos: didesnis neigiamų atsakymų pasiskirstymas organizacijos lygmenyje reiškia, kad lengviau „kaltę suversti“ organizacijai, o ne padaliniui, kita vertus tai rodo, kad padalinyje nusistovėję santykiai ir susiklostęs psichologinis komfortas nekompensuoja savijautos save suvokiant platesniu nei padalinys mastu. Nustatyta keturiolika veiklos sričių, kuriose klimatas žymimas neigiamai organizacijos lygmenyje. Nustatyta, kad tose srityse, kur organizacijos klimato kriterijai neakcentuojami sąlyginai neigiamai arba itin neigiamai padalinio lygmenyje, neakcentuojami ir organizacijos lygmenyje, o veiklos srityse, kuriose klimato būklė prasta pagal daugelį kriterijų, neigiamai konotuojama ir organizacijos lygmenyje.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Organizacijos klimatas; Padalinys; Organizacija; Viešasis sektorius; Privatus sektorius; Organisational climate; Division; Organisation; Public sector; Private sector.

ENThe state of organisational climate is reflected through such criteria as safety/explicitness, creativity/initiative, values/traditions, entering and leaving the organisation, communication, dissemination of information, relationship with managers, control, employee relationships, openness/tolerance, informal groupings and conflicts. Many of the criteria indicate that organisational climate is worse on the level of the whole organisation. Having analyzed the results of the organisation and the department on the level of individual statements using statistical outliers and Z scale, the following tendency emerged: greater distribution of negative responses on the level of the organisation means that it is easier to "attach the blame" to the organisation, rather than to the department, i.e. the fault may be shifted to "another" (subconscious emotional moment goes off; self-defence instinct is revealed); on the other hand it shows that the relationship established in the department and the formed psychological comfort do not compensate the general physical and mental state of perceiving oneself on a wider scale than the one of the department. Therefore, greater attention to climate on the scale of the whole organisation should be emphasised, reducing friction and making closer contacts among different departments. The tendencies show the existing tradition, which underestimates the necessity of the policy of formation of the whole organisation's climate. Activities of informal groups, poor relations with managers, dissemination of information, values and traditions, safety and explicitness should be named as problem areas on the level of the organisation.In order to improve organisational climate special attention should be given to securing the sense of safety and explicitness, to the management of formation and functioning of informal groupings, to improvement of relationship between subordinates and managers, to fostering conventional and corporate values and to ensuring dissemination of information necessary for the organisation members. On the division level in most areas of activities there is relatively strong and strong emphasis on the following criteria: values, traditions and employee relations. The second by frequency are informal groupings, the third - entering and leaving the organisation, communication, openness, tolerance, the fourth - dissemination of information, control, conflicts, safety and explicitness, creativity and initiative, in the fifth - relationship with the management. There have been set fourteen areas of activities where climate is denoted as negative on the organisation level: transport, industry of building materials, chemical industry, forestry, agriculture, hotels and restaurants, education, health care and social work, recreational, cultural and sporting activities, information and communication, other service activities, public administration and defence, other business activities, publishing, printing and reproduction of recorded media. In ten areas of professional activities the state of organisational climate is poor on both levels - the organisation and the division/department. This is chemical industry, electricity, gas and water supply, forestry, agriculture, hotels and restaurants, educational, recreational, cultural and sporting activities, information and communication, public administration and defence, publishing, printing and reproduction of recorded media activities.It was found that in the areas where the criteria of organisational climate are not emphasised relatively negatively or very negatively on the department level, are not emphasised on the level of the organisation too, and in the areas of activities where the condition of the climate is poor according to a number of criteria, it has a negative connotation on the level of the organisation as well. This means that on individual who feels uncomfortably in the department, transfers this state over to the whole organisation. [From the publication]

1392-1142; 2335-8750
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