Klaipėdos senamiesčio šiaurės vakarinės dalies raida XVI-XVII amžiais

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Klaipėdos senamiesčio šiaurės vakarinės dalies raida XVI-XVII amžiais
Alternative Title:
Development of the Northwest part of Klaipėda Old Town during the 16th-17th centuries
In the Journal:
Lietuvos archeologija. 2009, t. 35, p. 241-258
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojami archeologinių tyrinėjimų, vykdytų teritorijoje tarp Kurpių gatvės ir Danės upės duomenys. Kompleksinis archeologinės, kartografinės bei istorinės medžiagos tyrinėjimas leidžia apibendrinti šiaurės vakarinės senamiesčio dalies topografiją bei kvartalų užstatymą. Tuo pagrindu daromos išvados ir prielaidos apie šios senamiesčio dalies raidą XVJ-XVII a. Kitas straipsnyje nagrinėjamas klausimas susijęs su vieno iš Kurpių gatvės kvartalo naujausiais archeologiniais tyrinėjimais. Pateikiama sklypų pastatų, kurie siejami su ikonografinėje medžiagoje vaizduojamu kvartalo užstatymu, charakteristika. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Klaipėdos senamiestis; Archeologiniai duomenys; Istoriniai šaltiniai; Kartografija; Ikonografija; Klaipėda Old Town; Archaeological records; Historical source; Cartography; Iconography.

ENRecent archaeological excavations in the area development of Klaipėda Old Town. The between Kurpių Street and the River Danė complex investigation of the archaeological, have yielded new data for the investigation cartographic, and historical materials enables of the topographic and urbanistic the development of the northwest part of the Old Town during the 16th-17th centuries to be summarised. The archaeological, paleobotanical, and cartographic data as well as the interpretation of the historical sources allows one to make the assumption that a fairly large pond with swampy shores was formed in the process of creating the Dane's delta and was located in the west part of the city. Its eastern boundary was at Pasiuntinių and Kurpių Streets, while its western boundary ended at approximately present-day Karlskronos Square. The reclamation and development of the northwest part of the Old Town occurred gradually. In the mid-16th century buildings were erected on higher ground and the pond's eastern edge began to be filled in. The development on Žvejų and Vežėjų Streets was without any clear plan, but orderly blocks formed on Kurpių Street. Besides residential homes, warehouses, which were connected with the development of the contemporary port on the Naujoji Danė, were erected in the area. In the second half of the 17th century, the intensive development of the bank of the Danė began due to the construction of the city's fortification system and due to free trade. Most of the pond was filled in and residential homes as well as buildings necessary for the port's functioning were erected.Data from archaeological excavations in the area between Kurpių Street and the River Danė as well as cartographic material (fig. 5) showed that the blocks created and developed closest to the River Danė in the early 17th century were on Kurpių Street. Three plots, in which constructions from the mid-16th - late 17th centuries were discovered, were excavated in the block at Kurpių St. 3. Warehouses stood in the first and third plots, while a residential home with an outbuilding had been erected on the second plot (fig. 6). The archaeological data attest to the connection of the plot owners with trade and to their property situation. The summarised data allows one to think that the blocks portrayed in the 1624 drawing (fig. 1) were on Kurpių Street, not Žvejų Street as has been shown up until now in historiography. In addition, the development of the plots in the block at Kurpių St. 3 as well as the purpose and equipping of the buildings there allows one to see certain connections with the development of the last block portrayed in the drawing. The development of the blocks in the northwest part of the Old Town was affected by the 1678 fire, when most of Klaipėda Old Town as well as the suburbs of Vitė and Krūmamiestis burned down. A new development stage began in the area after the fire: the bank of the Danė was more densely developed, blocks were formed between Kalvių and Žvejų Streets, and masonry buildings began to be erected. [From the publication]

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