Atvykstamojo turizmo plėtros įtaka šalies ekonominiam augimui

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Atvykstamojo turizmo plėtros įtaka šalies ekonominiam augimui
Alternative Title:
Economic development evaluation of the incoming tourism
In the Journal:
Mokslo taikomieji tyrimai Lietuvos kolegijose [Applied research at the colleges of Lithuania]. 2008, Nr. 5, p. 109-117
Subject Category:
Summary / Abstract:

LTTarptautinės ekonominės integracijos ir globalizacijos aplinkoje tarptautinio turizmo kategorijai priskiriamas atvykstamasis turizmas yra vienas svarbiausių turizmo tipų, ne tik skatinantis šalių bendradarbiavimą ir tarptautinius mainus, bet ir prisidedantis prie konkrečios šalies ekonominių rodiklių kilimo. Prisitaikydama prie pasaulinių turizmo plėtros tendencijų, Lietuva siekia kurti atitinkamą atvykstamojo turizmo produkto pasiūlą, pasirinkti atvykstamojo turizmo specializacijos kryptis ir išskirti prioritetines veiklos sritis. Taip pat būtina įvertinti tai, kad turizmo plėtros negalima vertinti tik teigiamai. Ji reikalauja didelių investicijų, todėl, skatinant šią ūkinės veiklos kryptį, būtina vertinti atvykstamojo turizmo poveikį ekonomikai. Tyrimo tikslas – remiantis pagrindinėmis turizmo ekonominėmis funkcijomis, pateikti Lietuvos atvykstamojo turizmo ekonominio produkto poveikio ekonomikai vertinimą. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Atvykstamasis turizmas; Ekonominis turizmo produktas; Turizmo ekonminės funkcijos; Turizmo ekonominis produktas; Turizmo ekonominės funkcijos; Economic functions of tourism; Economic product of tourism; Incoming tourism.

EN[…] In the environment of international economic integration and globalization, the incoming tourism ascribed to the category of international tourism is one of the most important types of tourism, which not only encourages cooperation between countries and international exchange, but also contributes to the solution of domestic economic problems of a particular country. Each country participating in international tourism exchange seeks to promote incoming tourism with the aim to strengthen its conditioned positive impact on economy. When creating the product of incoming tourism, the country receiving tourists is considerably more active; on average it receives up to 80 percent of all the visitor's expenses related to the travel in the form of net income from the export of incoming tourism product. In the world tourism market, processes of competition and change of customer needs are becoming more and more intensive. The customers' inclination for exotic routes (Asia, America, the Pacific Ocean Region) becomes more distinct; therefore, European states must endeavour to enhance their tourism attractiveness and assure more firm competitive positions in the world tourism market. Another trend typical to the contemporary tourism is evolution of consumer characteristics. Clients of the tourism system under global economy conditions become more informed and sophisticated, which increases their ability to put pressure on tourism service enterprises.Competitive struggle occurs not only among providers of tourism services, but also among other participants in the market of leisure services, i.e. entertainment business organizations, trade and leisure centres. Acclimatizing to the world trends in tourism development, Lithuania seeks to create an appropriate supply of incoming tourism product, to choose directions of incoming tourism specialization and to establish priority activity areas. At the sixteenth general assembly meeting of WTO in Dakar, the capital of the Republic of Senegal, Lithuania – which was the first from the Baltic countries to become a member of WTO – received a positive evaluation of achievements of the country as a new WTO member in the development of tourism projects. When taking decisions related to the development of tourism, the impact of the incoming tourism product on the economy of the country is evaluated based on the developed and further developing demand of the incoming tourism product. It is also necessary to evaluate that tourism development cannot be assessed only positively. It requires large investments; therefore, for promoting this type of economic activity, it is necessary to measure the impact of incoming tourism on the economy. The aim of the research: based on the main economic functions of tourism, to present an evaluation of the impact of economic product of incoming tourism on the economy. Research methods: applying the selected research methods, the impact conditioned by the development of Lithuanian incoming tourism on net export, national income, economic growth, and employment in 2000-2006, was evaluated. [From the publication]

1822-1068; 2335-8904
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2013-05-06 15:20:14
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