LT[...] Tekstas yra pagrindinis dalykas mokantis bet kurio dalyko, o gimtosios kalbos pamokose formuojami esminiai skaitomo teksto suvokimo gebėjimai. Jau senokai užsienio pedagoginėje ir metodinėje literatūroje (Cook, 1989, Duke, Pearson, 2000, Andeson, Armbruster, 1984) skaitymas suvokiamas ne kaip įgūdis, o kaip mąstymo procesas, reikalaujantis aktyvios skaitančiojo veiklos. [...] Naujausi skaitymo psichologijos tyrimai (Cook, 1989) teigia, kad teksto supratimo esmė ta, kad skaitytojas iš teksto konstruoja reikšmę, o reikšmė yra kuriama, o ne pasyviai suvokiama: paprastai tą patį tekstą skirtingi žmonės supranta nevienodai. [...] Šio straipsnio tikslas – išanalizuoti, kokius reikalavimus skaitomo teksto supratimui kelia bendrosios programos, kaip keliami reikalavimai įgyvendinami ugdymo procese. Tyrimo objektas – pagrindinės mokyklos lietuvių kalbos programas, 5–10 klasių lietuvių kalbos vadovėliai. Tyrimo metodai – dalykinės ir metodinės literatūros mokslinė analizė, analitinis aprašomasis. Straipsnyje analizuojama skaitymo, kaip kalbinės veiklos rūšies, vieta lietuvių kalbos ugdymo turinyje, aptariamos bendrosios programos turinio apimties ir ugdomų gebėjimų aspektais, galimos skaitymo strategijos, analizuojami vadovėliai negrožinio teksto skaitymo aspektu. Straipsnyje daromos išvados, kad bendrųjų programų turinys ir reikalavimai sudaro visas prielaidas išugdyti numatytus negrožinio teksto supratimo gebėjimus, tačiau ne visuose vadovėliuose tam skiriamas pakankamas dėmesys. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Bendrosios programos; Bendrosios programos, negrožinio teksto supratimas, skaitymo strategijos, skaitymo gebėjimai; Negrožinio teksto supratimas; Skaitymo gebėjimai; Skaitymo strategijos; National Curriculum; National Curriculum, non-literary text comprehension, reading strategies, reading skills; Non-literary; Reading skills; Reading strategies; Text comprehension.
ENReading comprehension is a complex process which involves understanding the gist of the text, the information presented, and the implicit meanings encoded. Learning any subject relies on a text, and essential reading comprehension skills are formed during native language lessons. In pedagogical and methodological works by foreign scholars (Cook, 1989; Duke, Pearson, 2000; Anderson, Armbruster, 1984), reading has long been understood as an active cognitive process on the reader's part, and not a skill. Previously, reading was considered a process based on grasping the gist of the text, drawing conclusions, and retelling the text. The latest research in the psychology of reading (Cook, 1989) claims that reading comprehension entails the construction of meaning by the reader on the basis of the text, and thus meaning is created, as opposed to passively perceived: different people will understand the same text differently. The National Research of Student Achievement in Reading and Writing 2002 – 2008 revealed that grade 6, 8 and 10 reading comprehension skills remain at nearly the same level year after year: students are better at answering questions which require finding information or drawing straightforward conclusions, and they find summarizing, interpretation and evaluation of the information found in the text more challenging. Students have difficulties with questions which require the knowledge of literary theory and description of linguistic devices. Similar conclusions may be drawn from an analysis of the reading comprehension part of the 2004 – 2008 state examination papers in Lithuanian as a native language. Reading comprehension therefore remains an important curriculum-related issue.The aim of this article is to analyze reading comprehension requirements set in the National Curriculum and the implementation of the requirements in the education process. The research focuses on the Lithuanian language curriculum and grade 5 – 10 textbooks used in basic schools. Research methods involve the analysis of subject- related and methodological sources and the analytical-descriptive approach. The article considers the place of reading as a type of linguistic activity in the Lithuanian language curriculum, discusses the National Curriculum in terms of its scope and skills development, presents possible reading strategies, and analyses textbooks from the perspective of non-literary reading. The article concludes that the content and requirements of the National Curriculum provide the necessary conditions for the development of the required reading comprehension skills but that not all textbooks focus enough on these skills. [From the publication]