LTMonografija skirta Lietuvos krikščionių Bažnyčių (Katalikų, Evangelikų Liuteronų bei Reformatų, Stačiatikių ir Sentikių) padėties 1941-1944 m., politinio turinio bažnytinių dokumentų analizei. Joje tiriama vokiečių okupacinės valdžios konfesinė politika Lietuvoje, katalikų dvasininkijos opozicija okupaciniam režimui, ordinarų ryšiai su Vatikanu, laikysena per holokaustą, įvairių konfesijų dvasininkų humanitarinė veikla, pastangos apaštalauti nacių okupuotoje SSRS teritorijoje, apžvelgiami Bažnyčių nuostoliai ir kt. Atskirai tiriama situacija Vilniaus arkivyskupijoje. Prieduose publikuojami svarbūs 1941-1944 m. dokumentai, skelbiami duomenys apie nacių represuotus įvairių tikybų ir tautybių dvasininkus. Monografija iliustruota istorinėmis nuotraukomis.
ENThe monograph analyses the situation of the Lithuanian Christian Churches (Catholic, Evangelical Lutheran, Reformed, Orthodox and Old Believers' Churches) in 1941-1944. It takes into consideration the confessional policy of the German authorities in the occupied Lithuania and various aspects of the mission of the said Churches. It mainly focuses on the Catholic Church and activities of its leaders (particularly Archbishops Juozapas Skvireckas and Mečislovas Reinys, Bishop Vincentas Brizgys) and their political role. Church records of 1941-1944 with political content are reviewed and the context is clarified for such problems as the opposition of Catholic priests against the occupation regime, ties of Lithuanian Church leaders with Vatican, humanitarian work of priests from various confessions, apostolic efforts of Catholic and Orthodox Churches in the USSR territory occupied by Nazis as well as organizing Lithuanian pastoral counselling at the Reich. The study also reviews losses incurred by the Churches during the years of occupation, causes and extent of the priests' retreat from Lithuania in 1944. The situation at Vilnius Archdiocese is scrutinized separately as well as the circumstances of its integration into the life of the Lithuanian Church in 1942-1944. In the analysis of the position of the Catholic Church leaders during the holocaust, the focus is centred on new issues in terms of reliability of the lists of persons assisting Jews and circumstances of baptism of Jews. Activities of Churches and seminaries in 1941-1944, key events of the Churches life etc. are also discussed in detail.