Atstovavimo civiliniame procese sampratos problema

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Atstovavimo civiliniame procese sampratos problema
Alternative Title:
Problematic issues of the concept of representation in civil procedure
In the Journal:
Socialinių mokslų studijos [Societal Studies]. 2010, Nr. 5, p. 205-217
Summary / Abstract:

LTAtstovavimas civiliniame procese apibrėžiamas skirtingai. Vieni autoriai atstovavimą civiliniame procese apibrėžia kaip procesinių veiksmų sistemą, kiti – kaip teisinį santykį, treti – kaip civilinio proceso teisės institutą. Ir visi šie autoriai iš dalies yra teisūs, nes doktrinoje nėra suformuluotos universalios atstovavimo sąvokos, kuri visiškai atskleistų atstovavimo esmę. Norėdama suformuluoti atstovavimo civiliniame procese definiciją autorė pirmiausia išskiria pagrindinius šio instituto požymius, vėliau – apibendrina įvairių šalių mokslininkų mintis. Straipsnyje nurodoma, kad skirtingi autoriai į atstovavimą civiliniame procese žiūri iš skirtingo lygmens, todėl ir nėra suformuluoto vieno procesinio atstovavimo apibrėžimo. Autorės nuomone, atstovavimo civiliniame procese sampratoje turi atsispindėti visi trys teisinio reguliavimo mechanizmo lygmenys: teisės normos; teisiniai faktai ir teisiniai santykiai. Laikydamasi šio požiūrio autorė formuluoja atstovavimo civiliniame procese definiciją. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Atstovavimas; Atstovavimo samprata; Civilinio proceso teisė; Civil procedure law; Representation; The concept of representation.

ENThe article begins with a general explanation of the term 'representation', later on the main attributes of representation in civil procedure are distinguished and analyzed. In the author's opinion, achievements of civil law science are important in the analysis of the concept; therefore, the main statements of the civil procedure doctrine theories (fiction, representation and interim) are investigated. During the research it was noticed that there is no uniform definition of procedural representation. In real life, there are not only legal institutions belonging to certain branches of law but also institutions combining norms of several branches of law and, consequently, becoming interdisciplinary. Norms regulating representation in civil procedure shall be assigned to the interdisciplinary institution of representation. Such an assignment allows to clearly realize the place of the institution under discussion in the legal system, confining considerably marginal interpretation of procedural representation as a part of general civil representation or as a totally independent legal institution of civil procedure law, because none of these points of view fully reflect relationships that form in real life.The author noticed that the concept of representation in civil procedure reflects three levels of the legal regulation mechanism: legal norms, legal facts, and legal relationships. Representation in civil procedure is a legal relationship in which one party (properly authorised representative) on behalf and for the need of another party (represented person) carries out a complex of activities in a civil case which create legal consequences in the legal sphere of the represented person and are regulated by the legal norms of an interdisciplinary institution. [From the publication]

2029-2236; 2029-2244
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