Administracinės teisės šaltinių sistema

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Administracinės teisės šaltinių sistema
Alternative Title:
System of the sources of administrative law
In the Journal:
Socialinių mokslų studijos [Societal Studies]. 2010, Nr. 5, p. 137-150
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje aptariama Lietuvos administracinės teisės šaltinių sistema. Iki šiol šis administracinės teisės bendrosios dalies institutas Lietuvos mokslo darbuose plačiau nenagrinėtas. Tyrimas pradedamas administracinės teisės šaltinio sampratos apžvalga, o daugiausia dėmesio skirta administracinės teisės šaltinių sistemos struktūros analizei. Vienas dažniausių administracinės teisės teorijoje šios sistemos formavimo pagrindų yra administracinės teisės šaltinių skirstymas pagal teisinę galią. Šiame straipsnyje ir apžvelgiami pagal šį kriterijų skirstomi administracinės teisės šaltiniai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Administraciniai aktai; Administracinės teisės šaltiniai; Sistema; The administrative acts; The sources of administrative law; The sources of administrative law, the administrative acts; The system.

ENIn the present paper, the system of the sources of the Lithuanian administrative law is discussed. Till the present time, this institution of the general part of administrative law has not been investigated in detail in any work of Lithuanian theorists. The present investigation begins with the concept of the source of administrative law and the major attention is focused on the analysis of the structure of the system of the sources of administrative law. One of the most frequently used bases for the formation of this system in the theory of administrative law is the grouping of the sources of administrative law according to the legal power. Administrative legal regulation of public management (administration) is provided in abundant legal norms of laws and bylaws. However, the number of the norms of administrative law may differ in various legal acts: a legal act may consist of the norms of administrative law only or a part of the provisions of a legal act (belonging to another branch of law) may be bound up with a group of such norms.On the basis of the abovementioned criterion, the following sources of administrative law can be singled out: the Constitution; international and some other (such as intergovernmental) treaties that include the norms of administrative law; legal norms of the European Union; decrees of the President of the Republic; decisions of the Seimas and the Government; normative acts of administrative law adopted by other subjects of central public management (administration) (such as ministries, governmental institutions, institutions under ministries, etc.) and local self-governing institutions; judgments of courts, including the national (administrative courts and the Constitutional Court) and the European ones; legal norms and administrative agreements adopted by the decisions of the heads or collegial structures of other subjects of public management (administration) (such as state-owned and municipal enterprises and public institutions or non-governmental organizations). [From the publication]

2029-2236; 2029-2244
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