Studentų kompetencijų tobulinimas verslo praktinio mokymo firmose

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Studentų kompetencijų tobulinimas verslo praktinio mokymo firmose
Alternative Title:
Student competencies improvement in business practical training firm
In the Journal:
Vadyba [Journal of management]. 2009, Nr. 2 (14), p. 91-98
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje autoriai pateikia verslumo ir kompetencijos sampratos problematiką ir raišką verslo praktinio mokymo firmose. Studentų verslumas tampa aktualus keičiantis visuomenei, ekonomikai, darbo santykiams ir būdams sėkmingai įsitvirtinti gyvenime. Aukštosios mokyklos skiria mažai dėmesio studentų verslumui skatinti, inicijuoti ir remti papildomas veiklas, susijusias su studentų verslumu ir užimtumu. Verslumas reikalauja imtis atsakomybės už savo sprendimus, pasverti riziką, įvardinti strategines vizijas, apsibrėžti tikslus ir jų siekti suburiant žmones bendrai veiklai. Lietuvos kolegijos ir universiteto studentų studijų pagrindinis skirtumas yra tas, kad studijos kolegijose yra orientuotos į praktiką, praktinius darbus, praktikas įmonėse bei organizacijose. Lietuvoje kolegijos buvo įkurtos aiškiai teigiant jų studijų programų orientavimą į profesinius veiklos pasaulio poreikius. Aukštųjų neuniversitetinių studijų metu studentai turi įgyti europietiško lygio kompetencijas, kurios leistų jiems lanksčiai prisitaikyti ir konkuruoti darbo rinkoje. Tokio pobūdžio kompetencijas įgyti ar tobulinti jau turimas, jie gali profesinės veiklos praktikos metu verslo praktinio mokymo firmoje. Straipsnyje pristatomas tyrimas, kuris atskleidžia studentų kompetencijų tobulinimą verslo praktinio mokymo firmose. Tyrimo metu paaiškėjo, kad verslo praktinio mokymo firmose yra sudaromos galimybės išbandyti save, kaip šiuolaikinei rinkai rengiamą specialistą, įtvirtinti teorijos metu įgytas žinias praktinėse užduotyse ir įgyti naujų žinių bei įgūdžių. Studentui studijuojančiam aukštojoje mokykloje, kurioje veikia praktinio mokymo firma, suteikiama galimybė įgyti ne tik teorinių žinių, bet ir praktinių įgūdžių, kad sugebėtų savo darbą atlikti teisingai. Sėkmingą mokymąsi daugiausia lemia studentų asmeninės savybės: noras mokytis, gebėjimas valingai veikti, susikaupti, sistemingai dirbti.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Imitacinė įmonė; Kolegija; Mokymasis; Studentų kompetencijos; Verslumo ugdymas; College; Entrepreneurship education; Immitation company; Learning; Sham company; Students competences; Students of excellence.

ENThe authors of the article present the conception of entrepreneurship and competence topics expression in practical business training firm. The great meaning that the resent studies supply for the entrepreneurship competency made the mentioned competency important for the various researches and also encouraged lots of educating companies to take more care of it improvement. Students Entrepreneurship becomes relevant for to the changing society, economics, labour relations and ways of successful students establishment in life. High schools take not enough attention for student's entrepreneurship skills promotion, also do not initiate and support additional activities related to students' entrepreneurship and employment skills. Entrepreneurship skill show the need to take responsibility for own decisions, evaluate the risks, identify the strategic visions, to set and achieve goals by bringing together people for joint activities. The main difference between Lithuanian college and university student's studies is that the studies in colleges are more focused on practice, practical work experience in business companies and organizations. Colleges in Lithuania were established clearly suggesting their degree programs targeting the professional business world needs. During studies period in high non-university education institutions, students have to acquire European-level competencies that allow them flexibly to adapt and compete in the labour market.To obtain this kind of competences or improve already available ones, student can practice in a professional business practical training firms organized in colleges. There are introduced main needed skills that high school students must to obtain during period of studies also the article presents the practical training firms that are working in some colleges in Lithuania work methods and possibilities to accommodate students with above mentioned skills and competencies. There was made a research between students who take a part in college practical training firm, the supplied questionnaire allowed to track the competencies improvement that this type of teaching provide. Authors of the article made a research during which was found out that the practical business training firm is providing opportunities for students to test themselves as specialists in modern market and allow to establish the theory of the knowledge gained through practical tasks and also acquire new knowledge and skills. For students studying in high school which has the practical training firm is given the opportunity to acquire not only theoretical but also practical skills and to be able to carry out their work correctly after they finish studies. The successful student learning is mainly determined by personal characteristics: a desire to learn, the ability to forceful action, capability to focus, ability for systematic work. It was noticed that developing a positive students approach to learning is very important as far as possible to organize the process of learning, in a variety of ways to encourage activity, the will and teach to rational thinking. [text from author]

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