LTIšsivysčiusiose pasaulio valstybėse vis svarbesnės sparčiai plėtojamoje paslaugų srityje yra draudimo paslaugos. Kiekvienas žmogus tiek ūkinėje veikloje, tiek buityje nori būti saugus tai yra jis siekia apsaugoti save, savo šeimos narius, turtą bei verslą ir pan. Todėl pastaraisiais metais Baltijos šalyse, palyginti su kitomis paslaugomis, sparčiau plėtojamas draudimo paslaugų verslas, didėja jo vaidmuo socialiniame ir ekonominiame valstybės gyvenime. Straipsnyje analizuotos Baltijos šalių draudimo rinkos. Įvertintas ir palygintas ES šalių ir Baltijos šalių (Lietuvos, Latvijos ir Estijos) draudimo rinkų vystymasis, nustatomi draudimo rinkų struktūriniai pokyčiai, aiškinami gyvybės ir ne gyvybės draudimo rinkų kitimo veiksniai, išskirti Baltijos valstybių draudimo rinkų tarpusavio pranašumai ir trūkumai, numatytos tolimesnės raidos kryptis ir vystymosi perspektyvos. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Draudimas; Draudimo rinka; Draudimo sistema; Gyvybės draudimas; Gyvybės ir negyvybės draudimas; Insurance; Insurance market; Insurance system; Life insurance; Life insurance and non-life insurance.
ENAfter some years of rapid development of the Baltic insurance markets the rise in insurance markets changed into decline. But recently revealed negative world tendencies and economical environment changes had a very big influence on further development of the insurance systems. Not much time ago the growth of the Baltic countries economy, rising living standards, growing volume of income and investments permanently stimulated growing interest in insurance services. Not only insurance against possible risks was popular, but also more and more funds were allotted to saving. But lately the negative world tendencies and changes in the economic environment of the countries have had a very big influence on further development of insurance systems. The Baltic states arc often identified stating that their development is similar, but from the economic point of view the states are becoming very different. As the research object of the article is Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian insurance markets, it presents cessment and comparison of the Baltic insurance markets development, their growth Potential and prospects. It has been stated that all Baltic insurance markets reacted sensitively to the world financial markets decline and drew back more than at an average in the EU countries. The biggest slump of insurance markets was recorded in Estonia and Lithuania, a bit smaller in Latvia.Insurance market decrease was determined by the world e ndency - decrease of investment life insurance demand. In the Baltic insurance market, contrary to highly developed EU countries, life insurance does not dominate. Latvia has a particularly poor life insurance sector. Among the Baltic states the Estonian insurance parket is the best developed, the Latvian being the second and Lithuania has the least developed level indicators. The common insurance market growth is forecasted to begin not earlier than after the lowest depression in the late 2011 or ever later, when the financial certainty prevails and the states economy becomes stable. [From the publication]