Prano Dovydaičio LOGOS - tikėjimo ir proto sintezė kaip tiesos kontempliacija

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Prano Dovydaičio LOGOS - tikėjimo ir proto sintezė kaip tiesos kontempliacija
Alternative Title:
"Logos" of Pranas Dovydaitis as faith-reason synthesis and contemplation of truth
In the Journal:
Soter. 2009, 31 (59), p. 97-105
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojama tikėjimo ir proto santykio problema, kuri buvo gvildenama lietuvių inteligentijai skirtame periodiniame leidinyje LOGOS. Leidinys buvo pirmasis mokslinis-filosofinis žurnalas lietuvių kalba. Jo steigėjas ir leidėjas – profesorius Pranas Dovydaitis. Žurnalas pradėtas publikuoti 1921 m. P. Dovydaitis propagavo idėją, kad katalikiška kultūra turi būti puoselėjama gimtąja kalba ir remtis filosofijos bei religijos studijomis. Tarpukario Lietuvoje buvo išleista 30 LOGOS numerių, kol jo veiklą 1939 m. nutraukė okupacinė sovietų valdžia. 1990 m. žurnalo leidyba buvo atgaivinta. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Dovydaitis; Gnoseologija; Katalikiškoji kultūra; Krikščioniškoji kultūra; LOGOS žurnalas; Pranas Dovydaitis; Religijos filosofija; Teologija ir modernybė; Tikėjimo ir proto santykis; Catholic culture; Christian culture; Dovydaitis; Gnoseology; LOGOS magazine; Philosophy of religion; Pranas Dovydaitis; Relation between faith and reason; Theology and modernity.

ENIn 1921 Pranas Dovydaitis started the first Lithuanian magazine of philosophy LOGOS. The main its contributors were professors of Kaunas university from the departments of Theology and Philosophy, Jurisprudence, Technology, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Medicine, and from Kaunas Art School. The topics were rather miscellaneous but the main attention was paid to the problems bordering on philosophy and theology; for the intention of editors was the promotion of Catholic culture. Dovydaitis regarded the development of Lithuanian philosophical language as a very important and necessary means of that promotion. The authors of the articles in LOGOS magazine considered the problems of theism, the proofs of God's existence, enigmas of spirituality; analyzed the Theo-philosophical concept of St. Augustine; tried to specify the psychological aspects of religious belief, especially emotions; inquired peculiarities of social Christian activities. Their attitude to I. Kant's philosophy of religion was negative as well as to Vund's actualistic concept of human soul and Darvin's agnostic interpretation of the proofs of God's existence. Dovydaitis explained the relation between faith and reason relaying on Thomistic realism, which was in concordance with the Catholic Church policy directed against the tendencies of the Catholic modernism in theology, according to which human reason is concerned with reality and faith - with nostalgic dreams.Influenced by Russian religious philosopher Vladimir Solovjov, the contributing authors made attempts to constitute the models of thinking which integrates the ideas of Aquinas, Aristotle, and Augustine. The analysis of the relation between faith and reason performed by Dovydaitis shows that Lithuanian Christian philosophy was influenced by different philosophical trends. [From the publication]

1392-7450; 2335-8785
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