Senstantis kūnas Lietuvos viešajame diskurse

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Senstantis kūnas Lietuvos viešajame diskurse
Alternative Title:
Ageing body in the public discourse
In the Journal:
Sociologija. Mintis ir veiksmas [Sociology. Thought and Action]. 2009, Nr. 1 (24), p. 131-144
Summary / Abstract:

LTKūno senėjimas gerontologijoje tradiciškai buvo siejamas su biologiniu nykimu. Šio straipsnio tikslas – aptarti tyrimo apie senstančio kūno reprezentavimą žiniasklaidoje rezultatus. Pasirinktas metodas – turinio analizė. Tyrimo duomenys – 2007 m. internetiniame portale „Delfi” (lietuviškoje versijoje) paskelbti straipsniai, kuriuose paminėta kūno senėjimo tema. Tekstų analizė patvirtina teorines įžvalgas: kūno senėjimas siejamas su nykimu, destrukcija, rizika sveikatai ir ligomis. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Kunas, senejimas, žiniasklaida; Kūnas; Senėjimas; Žiniasklaida; Ageing; Body; Body, ageing, mass media, disciplinary power, reflective project of the Self; Mass media; Mass media, disciplinary power; Reflective project of the self.

ENBased on biomedical view bodily ageing in gerontology traditionally was associated with biological decline. Theorists of social gerontology recently noticed certain ambiguity of biomedical age discourses: between statements that ageing is universal, natural on one hand, and the proposed means for its "treatment" on the other. The objective of the article is to discuss results of an investigation on representation of ageing body in Lithuanian mass media. The method used is qualitative content analyse using Hamlet data analysis software. Research data: publications mentioning bodily ageing in the internet portal "Delfi" (Lithuanian version) 2007.01.01–2007.12.31. The analysis of publications confirms theoretical insights showing that two interconnected topics are dominant in the public discourse: medical knowledge and body care. Ageing of body is associated with decline, destruction and risk to health, so ageing body is socially constructed as marginal. [text from author]

1392-3358; 2335-8890
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