Феноменология и критический реализм В. Сеземана

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Rusų kalba / Russian
Феноменология и критический реализм В. Сеземана
Alternative Title:
  • Phenomenology and critical realism of Vosylius Sezemanas
  • Fenomenologija ir kritinis V. Sezemano realizmas
In the Book:
Регионализм как культурная альтернатива глобализации / редакционная коллегия: Вацловас Багдонавичюс ... [et al.]. Гродно: Гродненский государственный университет имени Янки Купалы, 2005. P. 40-44
Sezemanas; Filosofija / Philosophy; Realizmas / Realism.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje aptariama lietuvių filosofo Vosyliaus Sezemano kritinio realizmo koncepcija ir jos santykis su fenomenologine filosofija. Atskleidžiamos V.Sezemano filosofijos ištakos, parodoma, kad jo filosofiją labai vertino N.Hartmannas, N.Losskis, V.Ugriurnskis ir kt. Didžiausias dėmesys skiriamas jo nedalykinio žinojimo koncepcijai. Parodoma, kad ši koncepcija taikoma ne tik epistemologijai, bet ir tyrinėjant socialines, kultūrines problemas. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Sezemanas; Sezeman.

ENThe philosophical and pedagogical activity of V.Sezemanas is closely connectedwith the dramatic cultural and spiritual changes in the life of Lithuania. The focus of his critique was the traditional epistemology, while consistently its own principles, turned idealistic. V.Sezemanas thinks that only structuralistic psychology is able to discern the essence of psychic phenomena, for it can explain how understanding as a specific method of cognition of psychic reality arises from psychic experience. Sezemanas called this kind of cogtinion the objectless cognition. This kind of cognition and its method of understanding is characteristic of the whole realm of social sciences, history and culture that is called human spirituality, ideal essences and values. [From the publication]

2020-06-15 18:36:00
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