Stojančiųjų informacinių komunikacinių technologijų įgūdžių tyrimas

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Stojančiųjų informacinių komunikacinių technologijų įgūdžių tyrimas
Alternative Title:
Analysis of ITC skills of students entering university
In the Journal:
Pedagogika. 2009, 95, p. 134-138
Summary / Abstract:

LTNuo sėkmingos informacinės visuomenės plėtros priklauso valstybės gerovė, tai yra, ar visuomenė bus pasirengusi ir gebės prisitaikyti prie mūsų amžiaus keliamų reikalavimų, ar ji gebės tas naujoves integruoti į savo gyvenimą? Ar ateinanti į universitetus, darbo rinką, jaunoji karta bus įgijusi reikalingų darbo su naujomis technologijomis įgūdžių, ar ji bus pasirengusi savarankiškai mokytis ir dirbti greitai besikeičiančios informacijos amžiuje?. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Informacinės visuomenės plėtra; Informacinės komunikacinės technologijos; Kompiuterinis raštingumas; Information society; Information communication technologies; Computer literacy.

ENIn the light of technological, economical and social changes, the problems of overall occupation of people and continuous growth of economy become more important and complex. It is universally accepted that continuous development of people's knowledge and skills, investment in education system are the main factors stimulating the economical and social development. In the report of European Union Parliament about the future of European information society an active implementation of information communication technologies (ICT) is clearly pointed up as the main tool of successful creation of knowledge based economy and information society. In opposite way European Union will face serious cultural and industrial recession. Taking into account the guidelines of Lisbon strategy Lithuanian government has enacted few strategic documents. "The strategy of Lithuanian information society development" has been approved by Lithuanian government on the 8th of June 2005. In this document the creation of information society in Lithuania is emphasized as one of most important and long-term priorities. The goal to create information society and knowledge based economy via ICT dissemination is announced in program 2006-2008 "Programa 2006") approved by national government. Here the necessity to implement "Universalprogram of computer literacy" (approved by national government on 15th of September 2004) is underlined. In all these valid documents the importance of citizen's computer literacy is definitely declared as one of the most important conditions in the development of national information society.The problem. In order to ensure successful development of information society and solution of the rising challenges, it is necessary, that students, entering the university or labor market, have been obtained the required modern ICT skills, to be able on one's own to study and work in this rapidly changing information age. The objectives and methods. The objective of this paper is to analyze ICT skills of students entering Vytautas Magnus University, to identify the main problems and their reasons determined the last one, to generalize conclusions. [From the publication]

1392-0340; 2029-0551
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