Informacinių komunikacinių technologijų diegimo ir taikymo švietime įtaka pedagoginės sistemos kaitai : diskurso analizė

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Informacinių komunikacinių technologijų diegimo ir taikymo švietime įtaka pedagoginės sistemos kaitai: diskurso analizė
Alternative Title:
Influence of information communication technology implementation and practice in education upon the change of the pedagogical system : analysis of the discourse
In the Journal:
Pedagogika. 2009, 95, p. 126-133
Pedagogika / Pedagogy; Technologijos / Technologies.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje, remiantis informacinių komunikacinių technologijų (toliau — IKT) diegimo ir taikymo švietime diskurso analizės duomenimis, siekiama nustatyti, kokie pokyčiai, kuriuos lėmė IKT diegimas, vyksta Lietuvos mokyklose: laipsniškas vyraujančios tradicinės pedagoginės praktinės veiklos tobulėjimas ar visos pedagoginės sistemos ir edukacinės paradigmos kaita, kuri buvo numatyta pirmojoje IKT diegimo švietime strategijoje. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Poveikio pedagogika; Sąveikos pedagogika; Ateities mokymosi pedagogika; Informacinių komunikacinių technologijų diegimas; Diskursas; Traditional pedagogy; Interaction pedagogy; Future pedagogy; Implementation of information communication technology; Discourse.

ENXXI century Internet information system fulfils all the main didactic functions which require necessity of the change of both the schools and the education system. A lot of foreign and Lithuanian scientists have been researching ICT implementation and influence of its change stages upon pedagogical system. In the latest scientific works two complementary but conceptually different attitudes towards ICT implementation in education, technological and educational, show through. The first ones emphasizing new teaching and learning opportunities created with the help of ICT do not tend to link the conversion of educational paradigm with the new technology practice in education directly. They also state gradual development of prevailing traditional pedagogical practical activity and its replenishment with possibilities given by ICT. The representatives of educational attitude direct their attention at the change of educational paradigm and the whole pedagogical system namely emphasizing IT influence upon education. The goal of the latter research is to determine the character of Lithuanian pedagogical system changes caused by ICT implementation on the basis of the discourse analysis of ICT implementation and practice in education.While doing ICT implementation in education discourse analysis the interpretational discourse analysis tradition was kept. This tradition is based upon subjective interpretation of discourse material (the method of objective hermeneutics). Forming the grip of the research the body of the texts was made and politically relevant texts which are now credibly influencing or would later influence ICT implementation in education situation changes were selected. 14 texts which had reached a reader in the latter decade were selected for the analysis. According the research data it can be stated that recently traditional pedagogical system which is based upon effect paradigm is represented. The ICT implementation in education discourse which is being articulated during the latter decade substantially reflects development of pedagogical practical activity. In single texts of the discourse the above-mentioned change is named as the perspective of future. Considering the fact that the discourse is not only the reflection of social reality but also a factor influencing it, it is credible that the last-mentioned texts will stimulate the change of pedagogical system from traditional to interaction pedagogy in the near future. [From the publication]

1392-0340; 2029-0551
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2018-12-17 12:34:55
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