Valstybė ir scena. Lietuvių profesinio dramos teatro pradžia

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Valstybė ir scena. Lietuvių profesinio dramos teatro pradžia
In the Journal:
Menotyra. 2005, Nr. 4 (41), p. 32-36
Vilnius. Vilniaus kraštas (Vilnius region); Lietuva (Lithuania).
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje aptariamas būsimųjų Lietuvos visuomenės ir politikos veikėjų vaidmuo XX a. pradžios Vilniaus lietuvių scenoje. Nagrinėjamas lietuvių dramos teatro periodizacijos klausimas – profesinio teatro pradžios problema. Lietuvių profesinio teatro pradžia įprasta laikyti 1920 m. Juozo Vaičkaus pastatytas „Jonines“. Pabrėžiama, kad ši data teatro istoriografijoje įsitvirtino gana atsitiktinai, šio fakto išskyrimas grindžiamas organizaciniais, o ne meniniais kriterijais. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Mėgėjų teatras; Valstybinis teatras; Teatro visuomeninis vaidmuo; Profesionalumas; Politika; Amateur theatre; Professional theatre; Politics; State theatre; Social role of the theatre.

ENThe deepest link of Lithuanian theater in Vilnius to the future Lithuanian state should be traced to the organizational but not the artistic level. In the beginning of the 20th century the stage of Vilnius’ Lithuanian amateur theater was occupied by prominent individuals, such as M. Sleþevièius, A. Smetona, K. Grinius, A. Janulaitis, M. Birþiška, K. Šakenis, and others. Most of them later became influential politicians – presidents, ministers. One could consider their desire to associate their youth activities to the national movement, and not to artistic work, as a factor that influenced the peculiar understanding of professional Lithuanian theater. In the history of Lithuanian theater, professional theater is traditionally considered to be the state-supported theater. In the article, the question of Lithuanian drama theater periodization, the problem regarding the beginning of professional theater is examined. The beginning of professional Lithuanian theater is commonly assumed to be the play “Joninės” produced by Juozas Vaičkus in 1920. It is highlighted that this date found its place in theater history rather accidentally, since the fact’s emphasis is based on the organizational but not on the artistic criteria. Controversies regarding the beginnings of Lithuanian professional drama theater once again show that, unfortunately, the artistic criterion does not always outweigh the others. [From the publication]

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