Motivation of human potential: theory and practice

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Anglų kalba / English
Motivation of human potential: theory and practice
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Publishing Centre of Mykolas Romeris University, 2009.
499 p
The Concept of an Organization in Modern-Day Society: Identification of an Organization; Environmental Impact on Organizational Development; Organizational Challenges in a Changing Environment — Contemporary Dimensions of Mission of Human Potential Management with Aspect of the Motivation: Human Potential versus Human Resource and Necessity for Systematic Motivating; Human Potential Management and Development; Actual Mission of Human Potential Management and Development — Motivation and Motivating Employees and Managers: Identification of the Motivation; Identification of the Motivating; Relations of the Motivation and Motivating; Identification of Motives of Human Activity — Motivational Processes - Processes of Influencing Motivation: Intra-motivational and a Inter-motivational Chains; Identification of Process of Motivating/Motivational Process; Approaches to the Motivating Employees and Managers — Models and Theories of Motivation and Motivating: Development of Motivational Models from Early Management Theories to Present; Importance of Theories to Efficient Motivating; Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory; Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory; McGregor's Approach to Inborn Behavior; Alderfer's ERG Theory; Vroom's Expectancy Theory; Porter's and Lawler's Expectancy Model; Equity Theory; Strengthening Theory; Goal Theory; McClelland's Achievement Motivation Theory; Homeostasis Theory; Pragmatism in the Management of Working Motivation; Synthesis of the Knowledge of Motivating; Collins's Level 5 Leadership; Creative Proactive-Concluding Theory of Motivating — Strategic Motivating of Human Potential: Approaches to Strategic Motivating of Human Potential; Process of Complex Strategic Motivating of Human Potential; Importance of Strategic Thinking — Motivation Program and its Dimensions: Identification of the Motivation Program; Motivation Program Dimensions —Classification of Motivators: Process Motivators; Personality Motivators; Symbol Motivators; Intellect Motivators; Communication-Social Motivators; Cognitive-Dynamical Motivators — Dynamical and Motivational Model of Extending of Participants Spectrum in Human Potential Management: Identification of Key Concept: Modeling and Model; Arguments for Creation of Model of Participants in Human Potential Management and Development; Motivational Model of More Extensive Including Participants in Human Potential Management and Development — Penetration of Motivation to the Processes of Human Potential Management and Development: Philosophy of lmplanting of Motivational Accent to Key Processes of Human Potential Management and Development; Importance and Contents of Penetration of the Motivation to Key Processes of Human Potential Management and Development — Motivation and Interpersonal Interviews: Selective Interviews from Viewpoint of Strengthening Motivation; Orientation Interviews from Viewpoint of Strengthening of Motivation; Appraisal Interviews from Viewpoint of Strengthening Motivation; Outgoing Interviews from Viewpoint of Strengthening Motivation — Motivation and Power in Organization: Determination of Power; Subjects of Power Relationship and their Motivation — Motivation and Conflicts: Influence of Conflicts upon Level of Felt Motivation; Causes of Conflicts Origin and Classification of Conflicts; Resolution of Conflicts and Motivation within the Organization; Consequence of Conflict and Possible Influences on Motivation — Motivation and Organizational Changes: Gist and Basic Characteristics of Organizational Changes; Motivational Equation of Organizational Change; Process of Organizational Change —Motivation and Quality in Management of Organization: Quality Determination and Its Content in Organization; Factors which Influence the Quality Improving through the Motivation Improving — Motivation for Development of Professional-Personality Potential and Motivation of High-Qualified Human Potential: Motivating For Development of Professional-Personality Potential; Determination of High-qualified Human Potential; The Specificities of High-qualified Potential from Viewpoint of Motivation; Starting Points of Motivating High-qualified Human Potential — Methodology of Retrieval and Processing Information for Motivating: Approaches towards Information Retrieval and Processing; Process of Quantitative and Qualitative Research; Questionnaire; Interview; Experiment; Observation; Work Meetings; Brainstorming; Brainwriting and its Variants; Methods of the Statistical Processing and Evaluating Information; Analysis; Synthesis; Deduction; Induction; Experience and Intuition — Annexes 1-6 — Glossary — Bibliography.
Summary / Abstract:

LTMintį parašyti monografiją apie galimybes pagerinti darbuotojų motyvavimo mechanizmus organizacijose paskatino Slovakijos ir Lietuvos įstojimas į Europos Sąjungą ir vis didėjanti globalizacijos įtaka. Autoriai įsitikinę, kad siekiant kuo geriau suprasti darbuotojus skatinančias jėgas, reikia atsižvelgti į platų faktorių, kurie gali įtakoti asmens norą dirbti, spektrą, t.y. apsvarstyti aspektus, susijusius tiek su darbo aplinka, tiek su asmens individualiomis savybėmis. Būtent tokiame kontekste knygoje apžvelgiamas konceptualus palikimas žinomų teoretikų, kurie tyrė organizacijas ir jų sugebėjimus adaptuotis prie šiandienos procesų bei, pateikiant specifines traktuotes ir šių procesų detalias praktines instrukcijas, motyvuoti darbuotojus pasisemti įkvėpimo iš vykstančių pokyčių. Publikacijoje autoriai siekia pabrėžti, kad organizacija negali pasiekti maksimalaus konkurencingumo globaliu mastu, jei ji netaiko teorijos praktiškai. O tai dar nėra visuotinai priimta praktika, ir organizacijos dalyvavimo pokyčiuose diskurso mūsų šalyse dar trūksta. Monografijoje siekiama įvesti organizacijos koncepciją pirmiausia koncentruojantis į žmogiškąjį faktorių, t.y. apžvelgiant pagrindines motyvavimo teorijas ir motyvavimo procesą bei jo vystymąsi, siekiant padėti skaitytojui geriau suprasti aptartų teorijų ir praktikos ryšį. Nors knyga nesiekiama atsakyti į visus klausimus, autoriai tikisi, kad ji padės analizuojant šiandieninius vadybos procesus ir geriau suprasti žmogaus motyvavimo pasaulį. Knyga pirmiausia skiriama žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo dėstytojams ir studentams, bet ji bus naudinga ir plataus spektro verslui.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Darbuotojų motyvacija; Motyvacijos teorijos; žmonių kapitalo vystymas.; Employee motivation; Motivation theories; Human potential development.; Motyvacijos teorija; Motyvacijos praktika; žmogiškasis potencialas; Motivation theory; Motivation practice; Human potential.

ENThis monograph is intended to present the reader with a historic overview of the scientific doctrine of different models of employee motivation, shed some light on the theoretical approaches adopted by the most renowned authors in the field and analyze topical aspects of the process of improving ways to unleash human potential through motivation. The authors acknowledge the wide range of expert opinions in this field and debate critical assessments of motivation theories that appear in academic literature as well as present their unique approach to polemic issues. In their texts the authors detail results of their many years of research and provide insights into their practical applications, which elucidate on the process of employee motivation and offer a new approach to developing human potential in this point in human history. The monograph can be of use to scientists researching employee motivation, organisation managers, interested experts and professionals as well as university students. [From the publication]

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