Valstybinis politinių partijų finansavimas Lietuvoje

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Valstybinis politinių partijų finansavimas Lietuvoje
Alternative Title:
Public funding of political parties in Lithuania
In the Journal:
Teisė. 2009, t. 70, p. 119-135
Summary / Abstract:

LTPastaraisiais metais Lietuvoje vis labiau diskutuojama dėl politinėms partijoms skiriamų valstybės biudžeto lėšų, jų didinimo, kontroliavimo ar... areštavimo. Politinės partijos yra tas subjektas, kuris atlieka mediaciją tarp valstybės ir visuomenės. Valstybė yra tuo suinteresuota, todėl skiria joms tam tikrą finansinę paramą, tarsi laikydamasi romėniškos maksimos do ut des. Korupcinių grėsmių požiūriu valstybės biudžeto lėšos yra patikimiausias politinių partijų finansavimo šaltinis, tačiau čia taip pat slypi pavojus, jog politinės partijos praras savo prigimtį ir taps kvazivalstybinėmis organizacijomis, atitrūkusiomis nuo visuomenės grupių ir jų „natūralaus"suinteresuotumo finansiškai paremtijoms priimtinas politines programas ir jų įgyvendintojus. Turint tai omenyje, šiame straipsnyje analizuojami Lietuvos politinių partijų finansavimo iš valstybės biudžeto būdai ir formos. Remiantis kitų Europos valstybių patirtimi, atskleidžiami diskutuotini pasirinkto valstybinio politinių partijų finansavimo modelio aspektai, neproporcingos viešosios paramos problematika. Be to, pateikiamos rekomendacijos tobulinti reglamentavimą, kurio inicijuotos pataisos „įstrigo" parlamentinėje procedūroje arba po priėmimo netapo reikiamai veiksmingomis. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Politinės partijos; Valstybės biudžeto lėšos; Politinių partijų finansavimas; Political parties; Public funding; Funding of political parties.

ENIn Lithuania public funding of political parties is recently under sufficient consideration, especially critical one. This trend was evoked mostly by the scandal with regard to financing the Labour party and litigation following it, inter alia the dispute with the Central Electoral Commission considering the failure to assign the subsidy to aforementioned party. The situation under discussion encouraged to engage into research what model of financing of political parties is applied in Lithuania and to assess its efficiency. Taking into account issues relevant in Lithuania, the article concentrates on direct public funding of political parties especially in the context of public subsidies assigned to political parties. Abovementioned form of funding of political parties is being examined in various aspects, the main are as follows: first, criterions which optimize assignation of public subsidies to particular political parties are in search, second, possible content of notion „gross violation of the Law on Financing of Political Parties and Political Organisations" is examined and case law on the issue is assessed, third, limits on the discretion of political parties who wish to benefit from the subsidy assigned from the state budget are drawn while considering the time limit needed to „soak it u p " and established purpose of the subsidies, fourth, the sufficiency of the amount assigned to political parties from the state budget is discussed as well as its proportionality in regard of autonomy of political parties. Simultaneously, few proposals how to improve current legal regulation are provided, for example, proposals considering the strengthening of the declaration form of the employment of public subsidies and the establishment of maximum amount of the sum of subsidies assigned to political parties in the legal acts.The article considers forms of indirect state funding of political parties such as tax allowance and support for the parliamentary activities performed by political parties too. This way of financing of political parties is compulsive as it is not of public nature in all cases (for example, the proposal to entitle the income taxpayers to assign up to 2 proc. of the payable income tax to the support of political parties) or in certain cases it does not fall under the scope of legal regulation set by the Law on Financing of Political Parties and Political Organisations (the funds assigned to the parliamentary activities performed by political parties arc object of regulation by the Statute of the Seimas). The last section of the article is dedicated to „rehabilitation" of funding of political parties in the sense that political parties which are social corporations by their character and nature cannot be financed by the state in various forms to excess and thus usurped. [From the publication]

1392-1274; 2424-6050
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