LTMonografijoje, remiantis edukologijos mokslu, nagrinėjama mokyklos baimės raiška ir ieškoma edukacinių problemos sprendimo galimybių. Monografiją sudaro trys dalys. Pirmoje dalyje atskleidžiamas mokyklos baimės paradigmos kompleksiškumas, pateikiama edukacinių veiksnių, iššaukiančių ir mažinančių mokyklos baimę, sistema. Antroje dalyje pagrindžiama tyrimo metodologija, integruojanti mokyklos baimės raiškos raktines charakteristikas ir atskleidžianti mokyklos baimės švelninimo edukacinių veiksnių kriterijus ir indikatorius. Tyrime dalyvavo 1350 vyresniųjų klasių mokinių ir 250 atrinktų ekspertų, turinčių galimybes stebėti mokinių populiacijoje pasireiškiančią mokyklos baimę: mokytojai, socialiniai pedagogai, psichologai, administracijos atstovai, tėvai iš 11 Lietuvos miestų ir miestelių. Gautų duomenų analizė ir tyrimo rezultatų apibendrinimas pateikiami trečioje monografijos dalyje. Remiantis kiekybine duomenų analize, nustatyti mokyklos baimės raiškos ypatumai ir šios problemos švelninimo aspektai per edukacinių veiksnių raišką; empiriškai gauta mokyklos baimės charakteristikų ir kriterijų struktūra patvirtino teorinį mokyklos baimės charakteristikų konstruktą. Atlikus kokybinę duomenų analizę, nustatyti švietimo politikos, mokyklos aplinkų, mokytojų kompetencijų, mokinių asmeninių savybių ypatumai, susiję su mokinių patiriama mokyklos baime ir atskleista jos raiškos specifika; atskleisti edukaciniai veiksniai, švelninantys mokyklos baimę; išryškinti prieštaravimai tarp švietimo politikos, visuomenės nuostatų ir realių mokyklos bendruomenės galimybių. Monografijoje pateikiamos rekomendacijos mokyklos bendruomenei, įvairaus lygmens švietimo politikams ir švietimo vadovams.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Mokykla; Mokyklos baimė; Mokyklos baimės įveikimo edukaciniai veiksniai; School; The school anxiety; The educational ways of overcoming school anxiety; Baimė; Fobija; Stresas; Nerimas; Sąveikos pedagogika; Edukacinė aplinka; Diferencijuotas mokymas; Egzaminas; Mokinys; Mokymasis; Veiksnys; įveikimas; šeiminis auklėjimas.
EN[...] The aim of the monograph - is to analyze factors, which are raising problems of school anxiety's (fear's) expression and educational challenges to schools, schoolchildren, teachers and families, in the context of Lithuanian educational system. The research is based on the model of the chain of the school anxiety expression and overcoming it. The model integrates indicators of the school anxiety determined by the theoretical analysis, learning environments and characteristics of educational factors, which are defined by criteria and indicators. Multicomponent research methodology of the indicators of the school anxiety, factors of overcoming it and learning environments is based on the coordinative strategy of the qualitative and quantitative researches. There was used a professional questionnaire prepared by Rost or Schermer (1997). The analysis of the statistic data (written questioning) was fulfilled adjusting methods of the descriptive statistics and carrying out the clustery, factorial and discriminating analysis. The qualitative analysis of the content was fulfilled by analyzing the critical reflections and answers to the open questions. [...] The problem of the research includes these questions: How should the school anxiety be interpreted - as a problem of an individual or a school? Are the reasons of this problem inherent (individual, situative) or visual (contextual)? What level (mezzo-, macro-, micro-) of an influence is the expression of school anxiety related to? What are the possible preconditions to mitigate the expression of school anxiety in the school environment? What are the factors of teachers' fear directly related to the expression of schoolchildren school anxiety?.Are these fears interpreted as different and non-having interdependent connections objects of an educational diagnosis? The object of the monograph - the content of school anxiety and the peculiarities of its expression. The aim of the monograph - is to analyze factors, which are raising problems of school anxiety's expression and educational challenges to schools, schoolchildren, teachers and families, in the context of Lithuanian educational system. The goals of the monograph: To survey various scientific schools' standpoints of school anxiety. To analyze the peculiarities of educational policy which create preconditions to the formation of school anxiety. To research how the formation of school anxiety relates to the type, culture and management of schools. To analyze what educational means and environments enable to measure, soften and prevent school anxiety. To fulfil the educational research in Lithuanian schools, present an analysis of data, draw conclusions and give recommendations to educational managers, heads of schools, teachers, schoolchildren and their parents about decreasing the formation of school anxiety's states and situations. [...] The analysis of the scientific literature is used trying to reveal the complexity of the school anxiety concept and prove the system of criteria of the school anxiety research.The written questioning reveals the problems of the expression of school anxiety. There was used a professional, universally recognized and used in some countries (e.g. Germany, Austria, Finland, and so on) questionnaire prepared by Rost or Schermer (1997), representatives of pedagogical psychology. The questionnaire is adapted and modified. This questionnaire was presented to schoolchildren and chosen experts, who had the possibilities to observe the expression of the school anxiety: teachers, social workers, psychologists, representatives of the school administration and parents. Statistical analysis was fulfilled adjusting methods of the descriptive statistics, counting the arithmetical mean, standard deflection (SD) and coefficients of correlation, and carrying out the clustery, factorial and discriminating analysis. The data was treated by the SPSS 12.0 for Windows (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) program package. The qualitative analysis of the content was fulfilled by analyzing the critical reflections and answers to the open questions. The qualitative analysis is based on the systematic implementation of steps (Žydžiūnaite, 2005): the multiple reading of the text, determining and substantiating of manifesting categories and subcategories, and interpretation of categories that include the subcategories. [...]. [From the publication]