LTReikšminiai žodžiai: J,H. Flmming; Jakub Henryk Flemming, muzika, mecenatystė, Lietuvos Didžioji Kunigaikštystė, Saksonija; Lenkija (Lenkijos karalystė. Kingdom of Poland. Poland); Muzikos instrumentai; Orkestras; Repertuaras; Saksonija, Drezdenas; Dresden; J.H. Flemming; Jakub Henryk Flemming, music, patronage, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Saxony; Lithuania; Musical instrument; Orchestra; Repertoire; Saxony.
ENThe paper presents the most recent state of research into the musical activity of the court of Marshal Jakub Henryk Fleming in the light of the search queries conducted by me in Warsaw, Dresden and Vilnius and the ascertainment made so far on the basis of archival research pursued by Irena Bieńkowska in Minsk, The attempt has been made to determine the line-up of the marshal's musical band, its repertoire and types of musical activities. On the basis of the available sources, I have also presented the question of mobility of the band between Saxony, Poland and Lithuania as well as possible influence on its performance exerted by the second wife of Jakub Henryk Flemming, Tekla née Radziwiłł. [Text from author]