LTStraipsnyje atskleidžiama vaizdumo principo svarba mokymo procese ir jo realizavimas fizikos demonstraciniais bandymais. Pristatomi ir analizuojami mechanikos reiškinius iliustruojantys fizikos demonstraciniai bandymai,- skirti vidurinės mokyklos XI klasės moksleiviams. Demonstraciniams bandymams logiškai įprasminti pateikiamos samprotavimų sekos. Samprotavimų sekomis nustatoma, kas yra priežastis, kas - pasekmė, kokia ją ryšio išraiška (taisyklė, dėsnis, formulė, schema, grafikas). Gretinamos bandymo sąlygos, apibendrinami rezultatai, daromos išvados. Pagal parengtą samprotavimų seką mokiniai orientuojami į teisingą mąstymo operacijų panaudojimą. Tai padeda jiems suvokti bandymo esmę, ir jų pažintinė veikla tampa ne tokia formali. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Vaizdumo principas; Mechanikos reiškiniai; Demonstraciniai bandymai; Samprotavimų; Sekos; Loginis įprasminimas; Visual principle; Mechanical phenomena; Force; Energy; Physics demonstration experiment; Reasoning sequence; Vaizdumo principas; Logical sense; Samprotavimų sekos; Loginis įprasminimas.; Visual principle; Logical sense.
ENThis article reveals the importance of the visual principle in physics education process and its implementation using mechanics demonstrations. Visual principle is a guiding principle of educational activities in selecting the contents and the methods of teaching. [...] To optimize the teaching process it is necessary to visualize phenomena, processes or objects. Visualization is significant for problem solving in research and teaching. Physics demonstrations inure to this aim very well. Physics demonstration experiments illustrating mechanical phenomena for grade XI are presented and analyzed. The most of mechanical phenomena are characterized by different kinds of forces and energy. The relationships between them are showed by demonstration experiments. Demonstration experiments for determining the coefficient of friction, the body weight change of accelerating falling and the potential energy minimum principle are discussed. The place of the demonstrations and the possibilities of applying them during physics teaching are analyzed. Reasoning sequences for giving a logical sense to these physics demonstrations are introduced. These sequences have been based on the system of specially thinking schemes and prepared as a guide determining the steady movement toward a correct result. The demonstration and its reasoning sequence enable the pupils to understand essence of new subject, to colligate, to make conclusions. Reasoning sequences, prepared for demonstration experiments are efficient in training pupils' way of thinking. Key words: visual principle, mechanical phenomena, force, energy, physics demonstration experiment, reasoning sequence, logical sense. [From the publication]