Neformaliojo fizinio ugdymo veiklos ypatumai ir kaitos linkmės

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Neformaliojo fizinio ugdymo veiklos ypatumai ir kaitos linkmės
Alternative Title:
Pecularities and development trends of non-formal physical education
In the Journal:
Sporto mokslas [Sports science]. 2009, Nr. 3, p. 68-75
Summary / Abstract:

LTNeformaliojo ugdymo siekis yra plėtoti kompetencijas, kurios įgalina jaunus žmones atsakingai ir kūrybingai spręsti savo problemas, aktyviai dalyvauti visuomenės gyvenime, sėkmingiau įsitvirtinti studijuojant ir darbo rinkoje, padeda tenkinti pažinimo, lavinimosi ir saviraiškos poreikius. [...] Siekiant atskleisti neformaliojo fizinio ugdymo (NFU) mokykloje ypatumus buvo atliktas tyrimas iš dalies struktūrizuotu interviu metodu, per kurį apklausta 20 mokytojų, dirbančių 13 Lietuvos bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų. [...] Atlikus tyrimą nustatyta, kad teoriniu ir praktiniu aspektu NFU mokykloje iš esmės skiriasi. Teoriniu lygiu NFU siekiu informantai dažniau įvardija visų mokinių judėjimo ir saviraiškos poreikių tenkinimą, sveikatos gerinimą, o praktiniu lygiu dominuoja fiziškai stipriausių jaunųjų paauglių rengimas varžyboms ir dalyvavimas jose. Plėtoti NFU mokykloje šia linkme mokytojus kreipia ŠMM patvirtinti Lietuvos mokinių olimpinio festivalio nuostatai, miestų ir rajonų švietimų skyriai, bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų administracija. [...] Ši veikla orientuota į ugdymą talentų, kurie garsintų mokyklą, keltų jos prestižą, o mažesnio fizinio pajėgumo, silpnesnės sveikatos vaikams NFU mokykloje kartais visai neprieinamas arba šiems vaikams skiriama mažai dėmesio: didžiąją laiko dalį jie turi ugdytis patys. Tai lemia, kad vaikams pasidaro nebeįdomu, jie jaučiasi atstumti, praranda motyvaciją ir iš NFU visai pasitraukia. Ištirta, kad siekiant optimizuoti NFU mokykloje reikia nustatyti šios veiklos prioritetus, sistemingai atnaujinti ugdymo turinį, gerinti materialines sąlygas ir koreguoti mokėjimo už NFU pratybų ir renginių organizavimą bei vykdymą tvarką, skatinti mokyklos ir tėvų bendradarbiavimą. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Neformalusis fizinis ugdymas; Kaitos linkmės; Ankstyvoji paauglystė; Non-forma l physica l education; Development trends; Early adolescence; Non-formal physical education.

ENNon-formal education provides abilities for youth to solve their problems responsibly and creatively, to be active in public life, to get into studies and working market more successfully, it helps to meet the needs of cognition, self-development and self-expression (Dėl neformaliojo vaikų švietimo koncepcijos patvirtinimo (Eng. On approval of conception of non-formal children education), 2005; Kernytė, 2004; Winkler, 2008). The aim of the research was to reveal peculiarities of non-formal physical education and to single out its development trends. The organization of the research. 20 teachers from 13 different Lithuanian comprehensive schools were questioned by the method of semi-structured interview aiming to reveal peculiarities of non-formal physical education (NFPE) in school. The criteria sampling method was chosen for the formation of sample of the qualitative analysis (Bitinas, 2006; Rupšienė, 2007). Pedagogues who participated in this research corresponded to these criterions: - they educated pupils of 5th - 6th forms according to the programs of non-formal physical education; - their previous pedagogical experience was not less than 5 years; - they had a category of senior pedagogue or higher. The research was carried out in comprehensive schools in which respondents used to work. The vast majority of respondents (n=14) had a qualifying category of supervisor, quarter (n=5) - senior pedagogues and one had a category of pedagogue-expert. Interviews were recorded on dictaphone and later coherent analysis of respondents' organized language - classification, registration of analytical remarks (memos) - was performed. It was established that the theoretical and practical aspects of NFPE in schools are basically different.Respondents report about NFPE as the objective of meeting pupil's needs of physical activity, self-expression and health improvement on theoretical level, but, practically, training of the physically strongest junior adolescents for the competitions and participating in it predominates still. Teachers are being promoted to work according to NFPE programs by the Ministry of Education and Science, which has approved regulation of Olympic pupil's festival, by education departments of towns and districts, by authorities of comprehensive schools. Personality is being regarded as the main value of educational process, but the result still goes as a value in NFPE schools. This activity is based on talents, who would proclaim the school, would raise its prestige. Children with lower physical activity and with low state of health cannot participate in NFPE school program totally or get very little attention: they have to practise self-help for the most time. Such situation influences the decline of children's interest, feelings of alienation, loss of motivation and finally they do not participate in NFPE activity at all. It was estimated that aiming to optimize NFPE in schools, some problems have to be solved: identifying priorities, systematic revival of educational content, improvement of material conditions, correction of payment system for NFPE practical trainings, events organization and implementation, promotion of school and parents communication. [From the publication]

2424-3949; 1392-1401
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