Nevyriausybinių vaikų ir jaunimo sporto organizacijų finansavimo galimybių panaudojimo patirtis

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Nevyriausybinių vaikų ir jaunimo sporto organizacijų finansavimo galimybių panaudojimo patirtis
Alternative Title:
Experience of financial possibilities of non-governmental children and youth sport organizations
In the Journal:
Summary / Abstract:

LTKiekvienos šalies sporto sistemos sukuriamas ir teikiamas paslaugas galima būtų priskirti valstybiniamviešajam, nevyriausybiniam ir privačiam sektoriui. Mažai turima informacijos apie jų veiklą, finansavimo šaltinius ir tikslų realizavimo patirtį. Šiame straipsnyje nagrinėjama nevyriausybinių vaikų ir jaunimo sporto organizacijų finansavimo galimybių panaudojimo patirtis. Atliktas interviu su trijų, didžiausias pajamas sukaupiančių Lietuvos sporto organizacijų vadovais. Visos nevyriausybinės sporto organizacijos turi viešosios įstaigos juridinį statusą ir teikia populiariausių šalyje sporto šakų paslaugas: dvi atstovauja krepšiniui, trečia - futbolui. Bendras sportuojančių vaikus skaičius yra didesnis nei 2000 (LSIC, 2009), arba 4,5 proc. nuo bendro užimtų vaikų irjaunimo skaičiaus valstybinėse sporto mokymo įstaigose. Nevyriausybinių vaikų ir jaunimo sporto organizacijų finansavimo galimybės yra nario mokestis, fondai, komercinė veikla, rėmėjai, valstybės lėšos, 2 proc. nuo gyventojų pajamų mokesčio, projektai pagal tarptautines ir nacionalines programas ir kt. Pastaruoju metu didžiausią organizacijų biudžeto dalį sudaro nario mokesčiai ir verslo įmonių parama. Organizacijos daugiau lėšų galėtų sukaupti tikslingai vystydamos komercinę veiklą, aktyviau dalyvaudamos teikiant projektus šalies ir tarptautiniams fondams, įsitraukdamos į valstybės inicijuotas bendruomenines programas. Gaunamų pajamų panaudojimo racionalumas ir finansavimo galimybių plėtros perspektyva yra organizacijų vidinės brandos ir išorinės aplinkos sąveikos rezultatas.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Nevyriausybinis sektorius; Sporto organizacija; Finansavimo galimybės; Non-governmental sector; Sport organization; Financial opportunities.

ENThis article focuses on the experience of financial possibilities of non-governmental children and youth sport organizations. An interview was used with the heads of three biggest Lithuanian non-governmental sport organizations. The result of the investigation has shown that the respondents have a clear enough understanding of the concept of non-governmental organizations. However, most of the respondents emphasize sources of financing rather than tasks and activities of the organization. On the another hand, society is lacking knowledge about activities of non-governmental organizations due to the opinion that engagement of children and youth deals only on private initiative. An adequate point of view and responsibility for young generation development are not enough as well. Some respondents said that private initiative is dominating, and it is due to passive behaviour of the State, lack of its initiative. It was also highlighted that States effective social policy is important for the development of private philanthropic initiative. According to the respondents' opinion, society has limited view on these organizations, there is not enough relationship based on communication and cooperation. Having generalized theory and experience in foreign countries it became clear that children and youth non-governmental organizations can be financed from: membership/participation fee, sponsors, State budget, commercial activities, 2% income tax, international and national programs and projects, charity funds, other. The investigation showed that financing comes from the same sources in all three organizations and only a weighted percentage is wearying. It was noticed that all respondents mentioned sharp changes in the sources of financing. Research results show that income is generated using different financial sources where membership/participation fees and sponsors are the main ones.Discussions with the respondents led to the opinion that all of them have a quite narrow understanding of commercial activities i.e. main attention is drawn rent of premises, organization of events or camps. However, other possibilities, such as licensing, sales of merchandize, etc. were forgotten. None of the respondents could point main factors, which could develop commercial activity. The investigation disclosed that non-governmental children and youth organizations do not rely on projects explaining it as a lack of time and no possibilities of financing of non-governmental children and youth sport organizations showed, that the organizations admit they have not used all possibilities. However, they don't see their fault or problem in it. Insisting, that far not everything depends on activities and efforts of the organization, standpoint of society on activities, functions and financing of non-governmental organizations influences as well. The respondents set their hopes on changes of State's and society understanding. They stated that changes in the way of thinking of people may change financial status as well. Future financial resources will depend not only on the internal efforts of the organization, but also on interest and maturity of society. [From the publication]

1648-9098; 2424-337X
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