Kognityvinis modeliavimas kaip samprotavimo turinio vertinimo būdas

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kognityvinis modeliavimas kaip samprotavimo turinio vertinimo būdas
Alternative Title:
Cognitive mapping as a possible way of evaluating the reasoning essay content
In the Journal:
Žmogus ir žodis [Man and the Word]. 2009, 1, p. 105-110
Subject Category:
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjamas kognityvinis argumentacinio teksto modeliavimas kaip galimas mokinių rašinių turinio vertinimo instrumentas. Aptariamas kognityvinės analizės ir sisteminio argumentacijos modelio sąryšingumas, ryšiai tarp kalbos turinio ir autoriaus konceptualiojo pasaulio. Kognityvinis teksto modeliavimas, kaip atskiras argumentacijos analizės būdas, pritaikomas argumentavimo schemai mokinių rašiniuose nustatyti, analizuojamos jo galimybės mąstymo nenuoseklumo ir prieštaravimų identifikavimui. Pateikiamas praktinis samprotavimo turinio kognityvinės analizės pavyzdys, atskleidžiantis rašinio turinio vertinimo (ne)pagrįstumą. Išvadose paryškinamas kognityvinio modeliavimo potencialas tapti kritiško teksto argumentacijos nagrinėjimo metodu ir užtikrinti vertinimo patikimumą. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Argumentacijos analizė; Kognityvinis modeliavimas; Samprotavimo rašinys; Vertinimas; Analysis; Argumentation; Argumentation analysis; Cognitive mapping; Evaluation; Reasoning essays.

ENPresent article deals with the problem of the student essay evaluation which is currently very topical in Lithuania. The starting point for the article is the analysis of the student essays written during the state final examination of the Lithuanian (native) language of 2008. It reveals the difficulties encountered when evaluating reasoning essays with particular focus on the evaluation of the essay content. The problem of objective evaluation arises because evaluators tend to interpret the very object of evaluation in different ways. The article centres on cognitive argumentation analysis the essence of which is qualitative analysis of the text content as the appropriate way of evaluating reasoning of the student. The subject of the study is cognitive mapping of argumentative text as possible instrument for content evaluation of the student essays. The interrelation of cognitive analysis, links between the language content and the conceptual world of the author are discussed. Cognitive text mapping as separate way of argumentative analysis is suggested for identification scheme in student essays; the possibilities of cognitive text mapping for revealing inconsistence and contradictions of reasoning are also discussed.One practical cognitive analysis example of reasoning content is presented. It demonstrates the evaluation of the essay content as right or wrong. The conclusions stress the great potential of cognitive text mapping to become a reliable method for critical analysis of text argumentation. [From the publication]

1392-8600; 1822-7805
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