Jaunimo verslumas : lyčių aspektas

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Jaunimo verslumas: lyčių aspektas
Alternative Title:
Youth entrepreneurship: gender dimension
In the Journal:
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojama verslumas ir smulkaus bei vidutinio verslo (SVV) svarba, verslininko bruožai ir SVV vystymąsi lemiantys veiksniai. Aptariama užimtumo politika darbo rinkoje lyčių lygių galimybių aspektu, nustatyti su verslininkų lytimi susiję SVV sėkmę lemiantieji veiksniai Lietuvoje ir ES. Siekiant išsiaiškinti jaunimo požiūrį į verslininkystę irjų verslininko prigimtines savybes buvo atliktas empirinis tyrimas KTU. Lietuvoje sudarytos palankios sąlygos plėtoti SW. Tačiau tik 5-6% šalies gyventojų planuoja užsiimti verslu. Tai labai maža, lyginant su kitų šalių rodikliais (pvz., Italijoje – 80%). Moterų ir vyrų lygios galimybės šalies darbo rinkoje mikroekonominiu, makroekonominiu, regioniniu, globaliu lygiais laiko aspektu veikia ekonomikos plėtrą ir yra svarbios tiek atskiroms šalims, tiek šalių grupėms. Lietuvoje įstatymai yra pažangūs, tačiau lygybė de jure ir lygybė de facto nėra tas pat. Moterų situacija darbo rinkoje yra prastesnė. Tyrimais nustatyta, kad 15 ES šalių sėkmei priklauso nuo tinkamo veiklos sferos pasirinkimo. Moterys ir vyrai ES ir Lietuvoje dažniausia užsiima paslaugų verslu. Iš apklausos, kurioje dalyvavo KTU Ekonomikos ir vadybos fakulteto II kurso dieninės ir vakarinės studijų formos studentai, nustatyta, kad nepriklausomai nuo respondentų studijų formos ir lyties, jų verslumas yra gana žemas.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Smulkus ir vidutinis verslas; Verslumas; Verslo sėkmė; Lytis.; Small and medium business (SME); Business; Success; Gender.

ENThe article examines the entrepreneurship and small and medium business (SMB) concept, shows the role of SMBs in Lithuanian economy. The article discusses the labour market employment policy in gender equality aspect. The summarized results of Eurostat survey (2007) on small and medium business success factors in Lithuania and the European Union countries are presented. Based on the results of this survey were determined the factors of gender of entrepreneurs in the success of SMEs in EU and Lithuania. In order to clarity the approach to youth entrepreneurship and the entrepreneur's natural features, a survey in which respondents - students of different study forms from Kaunas University of Technology - were questioned had been made. This article aims to examine the gender aspect of entrepreneurship in the labour market, its impact on changes in employment of women and men in the context of Lisbon strategy and European integration conditions. At present, globalization is the way in which national economies of the world are becoming increasingly open and related with one another in economic, political, legal, cultural, social spheres, including labour market. The right to equal opportunities in the labour market for all women and men is one of the most fundamental principles of a modem society and European Employment Strategy (EES), including Lithuanian labour market. Opportunity of equality of youth entrepreneurship is an objective of high priority in the globalization and integration processes, which can significantly change all spheres of life, including labour market and gender aspect in it. The realization of equal opportunities for women and men in the youth labour market is an economic necessity; due to this it is important to evaluate preconditions, reasons, factors and results of gender equality.Employment of women is significant precondition for their economic independence; therefore gender equality is an important part of labour market and one of its main priorities. The equality of women and men in the labour market in a country on micro, macro and regional level during time perspective causes economic development, and is very effective for each country or country groups. Different theoretical approaches to equality in the society are based on culture, political, social values and economic development in the country. The paper analyzes the importance of entrepreneurship of youth (both women and men) in labour market. The entrepreneurship of youth in labour market is related with other fields (education, services) and might have an impact on them. The effects of youth entrepreneurship may be passed from one generation to the next one. The aim of the research is to determine and characterize the features of youth entrepreneurship in gender aspect in Lithuanian labour market in the context of European integration. The subject of the article is the entrepreneurship of youth in gender aspect of the labour market. To achieve the main aim, the following objectives have been set: the analyze of essence, types and preconditions of youth entrepreneurship; the gender impact of current situation in the youth labour market on the activity level of women and men; the identification of stereotypes in the labour market in gender aspect in Lithuania and in other European Union countries. Research methods applied are the comparative analysis of women and men equality in labour market in European Union and in Lithuania based on the synthesis of official European Community publications, scientific literature and systematic statistical data analysis, as well as identification of gender entrepreneurship dimensions using questionnaire in Lithuania.An exploratory structured questionnaire is used in the research. The questions used are of dichotomic, closed and open type, the evaluation and ranging scales are used, seeking to get from the respondents - the students of different study forms (full-time and part-time) in Kaunas University of Technology in 2008 - more correct evaluations of gender dimension of entrepreneurship. The analysis of the questionnaire showed the attitude of students to the real possibilities of women and men for entrepreneurship in labour market in Lithuania. The students think that the position of men in the labour market is better than that of women; that women get lower wages than men do. On the other hand, in the opinion of the respondents, women have good possibilities for professional entrepreneurship career. The analysis of questionnaire showed some gender differences in entrepreneurship evaluation of the students of different study forms. These differences exist because part-time students have practical experience and can evaluate gender equality issues in the labour market from their practical experience and more correctly. [From the publication]

1648-9098; 2424-337X
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2018-12-17 12:28:56
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