Aptarnavimo kokybė asmeniniame pardavime : slapto pirkėjo tyrimas

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Aptarnavimo kokybė asmeniniame pardavime: slapto pirkėjo tyrimas
Alternative Title:
Service quality in personal selling: research of mystery shopper
In the Journal:
Summary / Abstract:

LTKonkurencingoje verslo aplinkoje efektyvi pardavimų įmonės veikla neatsiejama nuo kokybiško aptarnavimo. Įmonės, siekiančios įgyti konkurencinį pranašumą ir kokybiškai aptarnauti klientą, vis labiau supranta, kad tai neįmanoma padaryti nesidomint klientų poreikiais. Straipsnyje pristatomo tyrimo tikslas - nustatyti aptarnavimo kokybę vykdant asmeninius pardavimus Šiaulių ir Vilniaus miestų prekybos centruose, remiantis pardavėjų gebėjimais naudoti SABONE poreikių grupes. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad Šiaulių ir Vilniaus miestų pardavėjai konsultacijose aktyviausiai naudojo SABONE poreikių grupes 'saugumą' ir 'prieraišumą'. Pastebėta, kad būtent 'saugumo' ir 'prieraišumo' poreikių grupių naudojimas atskleidė tokias pardavėjų asmenines savybes kaip mandagumas, supratingumas ir pasitikėjimas. Konsultuojant klientą abejuose miestuose rečiausiai buvo naudojama SABONE poreikių grupė 'išdidumas'. Tai rodo, kad šituose miestuose nėra įprasta pabrėžti, kad prekė leis naudotis atitinkamo gyvenimo lygio pranašumais, pasidžiaugti draugams, išsiskirti iš kitų ar pagirti kliento išvaizdą. Poreikių grupių naudojimo kiekis lemia ir pardavėjo poreikių grupės 'prieraišumo' naudojimą. Pardavėjas, kuris naudojo vieną arba kelias poreikių grupes, nekelia klientui pasitikėjimo ir neskatina tapti lojaliu. Pardavėjas, kuris naudojo tris ar daugiau SABONE poreikių grupes, kelia pasitikėjimą, yra malonus ir mandagus. Nustatyta tendencija, kad aptarnavimo kokybiškumas priklauso nuo pardavėjų amžiaus. Tai ypač pastebima Šiaulių mieste. Abiejuose miestuose jauniausi pardavėjai klientą aptarnavo naudodami mažiausiai poreikių grupių.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Asmeninis pardavimas; Bendravimo su klientais poreikių grupių visuma SABONE.; Personal selling; Customer communications; Needs of whole groups of SABON.

ENIn this article the work of shop assistants of supermarkets of various sectors of towns of Šiauliai and Vilnius is discussed. The analysis of nonfiction literature allows making an assumption that service quality in personal sales may be investigated according to "interaction of needs groups with clients totality" - SABONE, made by F. Krolar. Ž. F. Krolar identifies these needs groups when communicating with customers: S (sécurité) - security; A (affection) - affection; В (bien-être) - comfort; О (orqueil) - pride; N (nouveauté) - novelty; E (économie) - economy. S (sécurité) - security. According to Sūdžius (2002), security is calmness and confidence in the first place after purchasing the good or service. As decision is associated with some kind of risk, an effective communication with customers aims to reduce this risk to minimum. A (affection) - affection. .Львович (2004) defines it as the loyalty of the customer to brand of goods, items. As a rule, this kind of loyalty forms when a customer buys a good for the first time, guidance of salesmen and features of the item satisfy the customer's needs. The very important thing is how the salesmen can communicate with a client. В (bien-être) - comfort. Comfort is mainly connected with the technical features of items, which ensure comfort for a client. Those features may be: compactness of item, ease of use, comfort ability, free package, delivery, light weight, long service. О (orqueil) - pride. Pride is more connected with individuality of the item or company's winner's moods. The customer is reminded that high level standard good will enable to use respective life's advantages, to bask in to friends, to be different from them (Sūdžius 2002). N (nouveauté) - novelty. As Sūdžius (2002) claims, novelty is always important to customers, but only a small group of clients are concerned with it.Those clients often experiment and try innovations. E (économie) - economy. According to Sūdžius, economy as a requirement exists throughout the deal making, but it is not as dominant as it seems at the first sight. Львович (2004) also describes economy. He believes that price plays huge role in the decision of the client, but you do not have to offer cheap goods to every customer. The investigation was performed by "mystery shopper" method. During the time of investigation it was traced whether the SABONE needs groups were used, what kind of needs groups the respondents used most frequently, how many of them were used and what phrases respondents highlighted in SABONE needs groups while consulting the client. During mystery shopper research, the respondents were not informed that they participated in the research. The purpose was to obtain more objective empirical data. That was the main reason why the research on how the shop assistants are able to use the needs of their groups in consultations was so precise. Furthermore, the research did not reveal any information about shop assistants: in the research there was no indication of the names or the positions in the companies of the people who were researched. In addition, because of the specifics of the research, the age of the people researched is only approximate. After systemizing of the data gathered during the investigation, it was observed that in both towns (Šiauliai and Vilnius) the shop assistants commonly used SABONE needs groups: safety and affection. While analyzing the information the clear differences among consultations of shop assistants of various ages from both towns were observed, furthermore, positive correlation among respondents' age and used SABONE needs group amount was noticed. [From the publication]

1648-9098; 2424-337X
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