Rankraštinė knyga Lietuvos Didžiojoje Kunigaikštystėje XIV a. pradžioje - XVI a. viduryje : sklaidos ir funkcionavimo sąlygos

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Rankraštinė knyga Lietuvos Didžiojoje Kunigaikštystėje XIV a. pradžioje - XVI a. viduryje: sklaidos ir funkcionavimo sąlygos
Alternative Title:
Manuscript book in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania early in the 14th - middle of the 16th century: spread and functioning
In the Journal:
Knygotyra. 2009, t. 53, p. 7-37
Summary / Abstract:

LTRemiantis naujausiais istorijos tyrimais ir šaltiniais straipsnyje siekiama apibūdinti ir įvertinti istorines aplinkybes, socialinius ir kultūrinius procesus, lėmusius rankraštinės knygos raidą, sklaidą ir repertuaro plėtrą Lietuvos Didžiojoje Kunigaikštystėje, patikslinti jos rankraštinės knygos istorijos pradžios datavimą; nustatyti reiškinius, kurių veikiami susiformavo visuomenės kultūriniai, informaciniai ir konfesiniai poreikiai, sudarę sąlygas funkcionuoti rankraštinei knygai, kurtis naujiems raštijos centrams; išaiškinti, kokie asmenys siejami su šiuo ankstyviausiu LDK knygos istorijos laikotarpiu. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Rankraštinė knyga; Raštingumas; Evangelizacija; Bažnytinė unija; Valdovo dvaras; švietimas; Bažnytinės institucijos; Kanceliarija.; Manuscript book; Literacy; Evangelism; Church union; The Royal Palace; Lietuvos Didžioji Kunigaikštystė (LDK; Grand Duchy of Lithuania; GDL); Education; Church authorities; Kanceliarija; Manuscript Book; Christianization; Education; Union of Churches; Institutions of the Catholick Church.

EN[...] On the basis of the latest historical research and sources, the article aims to describe and assess the historical conditions, social and cultural processes that led to the manuscript book development, spread and functioning. The article bases its conclusions on the information from surviving manuscript books and archival sources. The paper analyses the phenomena that had a direct impact on the development of the book: the Christianization of the land, aspiration for the reunion of churches, the establishment and development of the sovereign estate and chancellery, the beginning of education. Thus, the history of GDL manuscript books is closely related to the first half of the 14th c. The establishment and development of the sovereign estate and the institutions of the Catholic Church contributed to the dissemination and functioning of Latin books. Due to teaching, writing culture was mastered throughout the country; the group of literate people, who wrote and read not only in Latin but also in Ruthenian grew rapidly. After the incorporation of Ruthenian lands, the GDL sought for a reunion of the churches. Creation of the Kiev metropolis with the center in Naugardukas, as well as the political, religious and cultural activities of the Orthodox metropolitan bishop led to the formation of the original manuscript book in the GDL. There appeared a group of persons (both Lithuanians and Ruthenians) who did intellectual work and had cultural needs. They not only became the main users of manuscript books, but also were their creators; they initiated and patronized writing books. In the GDL, New Latin and Ruthenian writing centers were established, and the repertoire of books expanded. [From the publication]

0204-2061; 2345-0053
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