Kairiosios lietuvių inteligentijos veiksmai Lietuvos okupacijos išvakarėse ir pirmosiomis okupacijos dienomis

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kairiosios lietuvių inteligentijos veiksmai Lietuvos okupacijos išvakarėse ir pirmosiomis okupacijos dienomis
Alternative Title:
Activities of the Lithuanian left-wing inteligentsia on the eve of the occupation of Lithuania and during its first day
In the Journal:
Genocidas ir rezistencija. 2006, 1 (19), p. 62-85
Summary / Abstract:

LTPublikacijoje aptariami iki šiol istoriografijoje atskiro dėmesio nesulaukę kairiosios lietuvių inteligentijos veiksmai Lietuvos okupacijos išvakarėse ir pirmosiomis okupacijos dienomis, kai, žlugus A. Smetonos autoritariniam režimui, į šalį įžengė daugiatūkstantinė Sovietų Sąjungos kariuomenė. Kairiųjų veiksmai aptariamuoju laikotarpiu išryškina daugelį panašumų, kuriuos vienija vienas bruožas – neapykanta A. Smetonos autoritariniam režimui. Remiamasi to meto spauda, archyvine medžiaga, įvykių dalyvių dienoraščiais ir atsiminimais. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Kairiosios partijos; Kairioji inteligentija; Sovietinė okupacija; Sovietų Sąjungos kariuomenė; Autoritarinis rėžimas; Kolaboravimas; Left-wing parties; Left-wing intelligentsia; Soviet occupation; Soviet troops; Authoritarian regime of Antanas Smetona; Collaboration.

ENThis study reviews the activities of the Lithuanian left-wing intelligentsia on the eve of the occupation of Lithuania, and during the days after the invasion of 15 June 1940, i.e. following the collapse of the authoritarian regime of Antanas Smetona and after the Soviet troops marched into the country. The pro-Soviet part of the society whose strongest force was the radical left-wing intelligentsia welcomed Smetona’s ouster with exultation as a long-awaited “morning of freedom”. At the outset of the occupation the pro-Soviet left-wing intelligentsia welcomed the Soviet forces and believed in the proclamations announced by the invaders. Comparing the activities of the Lithuanian left-wing intelligentsia just before the occupation and during the first days of the Soviet regime, almost no essential differences are observed. The authoritarian regime of Antanas Smetona was condemned, blindly relying on the Soviets and their officially peaceful policy promoted with respect to Lithuania. One reason for this was close interpersonal relationships of some Lithuanian left-wing intelligentsia with Soviet diplomats residing in Lithuania, as well as their close ties to the local Lithuanian Communist Party. At the beginning of the occupation, the left-wing intelligentsia naturally gained success with the help of the Soviet authorities, and accepted positions within the highest pro-Soviet state institutions. The study concludes that while the occupation of Lithuania in June 1940 was carried out by the Soviets, some Lithuanians, first of all the left-wing intelligentsia, are to be blamed for the tragedy that ensued.

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