Propaganda: pakaitalai bestijai

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Propaganda: pakaitalai bestijai
Alternative Title:
Propaganda: substitutes for bestia
In the Journal:
Inter-studia humanitatis. 2009, Nr. 9, p. 6-23
Subject Category:
Summary / Abstract:

LTPropaganda, kurios tyrimai yra susiję su pamatiniais filosofiniais klausimais apie žmogų ir techniką, sudarančią sąlygas žmogui esmiškai būti, yra dvilypė. Propagandos dvilypumas pasireiškia žmogaus gyvūnišką prigimtimi bei žmogaus kultūrinę, idėjinę plotmę veikiančia determinuojančia technika, kuri atlieka subjekto formuotojos vaidmenį ir žmonių mases paverčia organizuota nacija, visuomene, klase, bažnyčia. Neretai propaganda neleidžia susiformuoti žmogiškajam Etosui, nes ji etiką pakeičia vaizduojamomis vertybėmis bei atvaizdais. Propagandai tarnaujančios svarbiausios modernizacijos priemonės yra raštas ir reprezentuojantis vaizdas. Jų dėka propaganda gali užtikrinti žmogaus ir bendruomenių reprezentacijų konkurencingumą arba panaikinti savarankiškumą, užgniaužti bestiarišką prigimtį. Šiuolaikiniame globaliame pasaulyje patirties pakeitimas raštu, manipuliacijos vaizdu ir atrodymas, mimezės pavertimas visuotine norma yra sėkmingo individo gyvenimo, jo karjeros garantas. Sovietinės ideologijos ir nepriklausomos Lietuvos realybės lūžis parodė, kad antipropaganda gali pakenkti tiek pat, kaip ir manipuliacija bei iliuzinės patirties konstravimas, nes išlaisvintas iš sovietinio propagandinio atvaizdo ir įdiegtų mąstymo schemų, žmogus susidūrė su beprasmišku Niekiu.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Antropologija; Propoganda; Visuomenė; Technika; Socialinė evoliucija; Socialinis konstruktyvizmas; Sovietų propaganda Lietuvoje; Social evolution; Social constructivism; Soviet propaganda in Lithuania.

ENDiscussions in the article arc based on the two main philosophical questions: what is a man and what is technique? Both questions highly developed in the philosophy of XX century arc very important for the explanation of phenomenon of propaganda. A man has unfinished, eccentric, limited, mortal essence. According to M. Heidegger, the technique appears in Western civilization by two modes: as assistance and as a deterministic cause. Midwife is the best metaphor for technique as assistance. Different communities use persuasion techniques as a help to develop personal issues. Such a type of persuasion makes Ethos of communities. However there is philosophical problem of interrelations between bestiality and humanity. The article interprets the idea of Bcstia and the phenomenon of bestiality on the example of works by J. Derrida, P. Mérimée, M. Foucault. The main conclusion is about necessity of biopolitics: on the one hand, for rational segregation of zoe and bio or of bestiality and humanity and, on the oilier hand, for modern imaginable, artistic, consumer possibilities to become Beslia as an opposition to becoming humanity. Modem, especially total propaganda works as a deterministic power and constructs new symbolical words after destruction of the old ones and destruction of any open relation between bestiality and Ethos. The article considers two main paradigmatic approaches to the social development: neoevolutionism and social constructivism.Neoevolutionism like hermeneutics or theory of Monada (Leibniz) tries to explain development of autonomous symbolical worlds and their communications. This is the local process of adaptation of bestiality to community rules. Conditions of interrelations between symbolical worlds are translation, explanation, transformation of values. Neoevolutionism explains development of communities with clear identity, mythology. The pre-war Lithuanian villages were a place of such type of communities. Social constructivism develops the idea of social engineering that means techniques for development of new identities, new people organizations, institutions, global networks. The soviet totalitarian social engineering was in effect after Stalin terror. Terror was the main means for destruction of local people's Ethos and symbolical worlds. Only after it the techniques of soviet propaganda were quite successful. However terror and loosing ideologies open bestiality without any conditions of humanity. The same happened after the destruction of the Soviet Union in post-soviet territories with infinity of criminals and without strong communities, without Ethos. Therefore propaganda and ideologies prevent society from wild bestiality in the case of mass society. [From the publication]

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