Ikimokyklinio ugdymo kokybės valdymo problemos eksplikacija

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Ikimokyklinio ugdymo kokybės valdymo problemos eksplikacija
Alternative Title:
Quality management of the pre-school education and pedagogical competences in changing educational institution
In the Journal:
Pedagogika [Pedagogy]. 2009, 93, p. 70-79
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje apibūdinama ikimokyklinio ugdymo kokybės koncepcija, jos transformacijos ir pedagoginių procesų valdymo veiksniai, turintys įtakos auklėtojo pedagoginio darbo organizavimui besikeičiančioje švietimo institucijoje. Atskleidžiama veiksmingos švietimo institucijos samprata, nušviečiama, kaip šiuolaikinėse ikimokyklinėse institucijose įgyvendinamas ugdymo kokybės valdymas. Remiantis atlikta literatūros analize ir metaanalize, pateikiamos apibendrintos išvados ugdymo kokybės koncepcijai tobulinti bei jos valdymo veiksmingumui šiuolaikinėse ikimokyklinio ugdymo institucijose didinti. Ugdymo kokybės valdymas dėl objekto specifikos (ugdymo proceso, ugdytinių brandinimo mokyklai kokybė) yra bendrosios kokybės valdymo teorijos sritis, kartu ir nauja edukacinių procesų valdymo paradigma. Kita vertus, ikimokyklinio ugdymo kokybės valdymas yra ir atskira valdymo sritis, pasižyminti daugiasluoksniškumu ir pavaldumu bendrai darželio valdymo sistemai. Kokybės valdymo teoriją reikia taikyti technologijos ir tipologijos tarpusavio sąveikos erdvėje ir bendrosios kokybės valdymo teorijos komponentų (sąvokų, principų, ugdymo kokybės metodų ir būdų) pagrindu, suvokiant valdymo funkcijų, kokybės valdymo teorijų, kokybės valdymo sistemos organizacinių struktūrų projektavimo teorijas. Ugdymo kokybės valdymo idėjas galima sėkmingai įgyvendinti remiantis koncepcijomis, sukurtomis pagal ISO kokybės tarptautinių standartų reikalavimus. Be to, reikia atsižvelgti į mokslo laimėjimus ir ugdymo paslaugų kokybės valdymo kompleksinių sistemų kūrimo patirtį, į pagrindinius priešmokyklinės pedagogikos teiginius.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Ikimokyklinio ugdymo kokybė; Besikeičianti; Veiksminga švietimo institucija; Vaikų erdvinė tapatybė.; quality management of the preschool; Education; Changing educational institution; Conception of the Self in Childhood: territorializing; Identities.; Teorinės literatūros analizė; Metaanalizė; Identities; Vaikų erdvinė tapatybė.

ENA modern pre-school is in the way of modernization. In the period of transformation many things should be changed over and thought through. The quality of education should be considered as the final result of these transformations and as a particular criterion. The presented article makes an attempt to review this phenomenon theoretically, to define the level of management technology application and evaluate quality education. On the other hand, it can stimulate work, new ideas and help to find new solutions related with quality for all subjects in general educations pre-schools. The solution of the perpetual problem of education quality continues. If we look for a work to express synthetically the objective of any times, the word existence is the best word to express the period of our living. The term existence is used not in its usual sense. In one case, the existence means the presence of some thing and its "that". But the concept used in such a way contradicts to the definition of the essence expressing the contents of any thing and its "what". In our times the existence means a definite human (children) entity. This is one of the most consequential (significant) perfection of the anthropocentrism of the new times, the final conclusion of the contemplation of the fundamentals of thereof. The present time is conceived in the aspect of globalization, the pursuit of the propagation of the progress in the whole world. This forms the conception of the social space pervading the whole world. Next to the concept of the "society", as a society of a country, the metacontextual concept of the community (group) of children is formed in the mind of the majority of people. The substance (a child) establishes in it only through activities (game), creation, cognition, and ability to penetrate into the processes of the society, to transform thereof by methods not used before.This is the perception of the mighty processes of changes of the present time changing in turn the canvass of the social experience of the childhood. [...] The transformation in the management of the pre-school education and the management of thereof is a very important field of the analysis and solving urgent problems. This conditions the priority directions of the investigations in pre-school pedagogic. [...] The perception of the transformations of the pre-school education of the society and the problems of the management of thereof, the estimation and settlement of such problems must be related to the fact that the development of the development of the today pre-school education is conditioned by the following fundamental circumstances: the processes of the globalization expressing the spreading of the models of management in the system of the pre-school management; formation of the informational society expressing the qualitative change of the relation of a person (child) to the surrounding and influenced by him environment: the formation of the informational space conditions not only the rise and spread of the securities, but also transforms the mode of existence by using basically the possibilities of a new technological level and planning to use them in the future. For conceiving, definition, estimation and solution of the problems of the transformations of the management of the pre-school education and the problems of the controlling thereof we must appeal to definite principles stating the essential aspects in different metacontexts of transformations and controlling thereof. The most significant among such principles should be considered the following.the principle of the orientation of the transformations of the management of the pre-school education to the implementation of a child's high-standard moral, humanist and democratic securities, meaning that the attitude of the society to the transformations and its actions in regulating the processes of transformations should be marked by the priority objectives to humanize and democratize the life, to consolidate more widely the natural moral securities of a child and to ensure the realization of a child's rights; the principle of the objectivity of the transformations of the management of the pre-school education, the unity of the manageability and the feedback of thereof: the unity of the management of transformations and self-regulation shows each transformation to be influenced by both the management and the self-regulation of the system of the pre-school education; the principle of the unity of the global and local character of the transformations of the management of the preschool education: the transformations commonly reflect both the global phenomena and the local specifics of these phenomena of the pre-school education; the principle of the management of the pre-school education being periodical, saltatory, uneven, asynchronous and successive expressing the transformation as the process defined in the time and orientated to qualitative changes. The above principles characterize the main aspects to be taken into account in perceiving and settling the essential problems of the transformations of the management of the pre-school education and controlling thereof. For the realization of the above principles the ideas of the transformations of the management should be developed and spread widely. [From the publication]

1392-0340; 2029-0551
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