Socialinė nelygybė ir visuomenė

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Socialinė nelygybė ir visuomenė
Alternative Title:
Social inequality and society
In the Book:
Summary / Abstract:

LTViena iš svarbiausių problemų adiekant socialinius tyrimus yra socialinės nelygybės problema. Straipsnyje nagrinėjama socialinės nelygybės problema žmonijos istorinėje raidoje ir mūsų dienomis. Remiantis lietuvių ir užsienio autorių literatūriniais šaltiniais ir statistiniais duomenimis, atskleidžiamos socialinės nelygybės priežastys ir pasekmės. Parodomas Lietuvos visuomenės susiskaldymas į turtinguosius, neturtinguosius ir vargšus, analizuojami skurdo rodikliai pagal socialines grupes. Lietuvoje turto kaupimo ir socialinės nelygybės atsiradimo priežastys turėjo savo specifiką. 1991 m. atkūrus nepriklausomybę valstybės turto privatizavimas sudarė sąlygas socialinei diferenciacijai. Privatizacijos proceso metu didelius nuostolius patyrė pramonė, sunyko žemės ūkio gamyba. Lietuvoje beveik nėra viduriniojo sluoksnio. Išsivysčiusiose šalyse jis sudaro apie 70 proc. visuomenės. Didelė problema yra skurdas. Lietuvoje skursta apie 16 proc. gyventojų. Siekiant sumažinti socialinę nelygybę ir skurdą būtina: plėsti smulkų ir vidutinį verslą, sudarant palankesnes kreditų gavimo sąlygas, tobulinant mokesčių sistemą, mažinant administracinius barjerus ir biurokratizmą, užtikrinant lygias sąlygas konkuruojant su stambiomis įmonėmis; užtikrinti geresnes darbo ir darbo užmokesčio sąlygas švietimo, mokslo, sveikatos apsaugos, kultūros įstaigų darbuotojams. Tai padės sumažinti emigraciją ir prisidės prie vidurinio sluoksnio susiformavimo Lietuvoje; teikti efektyvesnę paramą žmonėms, patekusiems į skurdą ir socialinę atskirtį, taip pat vaikams, augantiems socialinės rizikos šeimose.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Socialinė nelygybė; Socialinis teisingumas; Humanizmas; Socialiniai sluoksniai; Socialinė diferenciacija; Socialinė hierarchija; Vartojimo išlaidos; Vartojimo pajamos; Deciliai; Nelygybės indeksas; Skurdas; Socialinė atskirtis.; Social inequality; Social justice; Humanism; Social classes; Social differentiation; Social hierarchy; Consumption expenses; Consumption income; Deciles; Inequality index; Poverty; Social exclusion.

ENOne of the most important topics in the social research is social inequality. It existed in all phases of the human development and it exists nowadays as well. The essence, the reasons and the outcome of social inequality were researched and still are being researched by scientists of many different countries. The most famous researchers are the following: E. Durkheim, T. Parsons, K. Marx, M. Weber, R. Dahrendorf. A.Maceina, P.Leonas, K.Paltarokas, K. Šiaulys could be mentioned as Lithuanian authors. Social inequality in many societies is determined, first of all, according to the possession and income, standard of living and level of poverty. Majority of humanists are seriously worried by the global trouble caused by insatiable desire to get rich. Striving to become rich leads to social disunity into classes: very rich, rich, well-off, unfortunate, poor, and shabby. From the viewpoint of social inequality and social classes the possession is very important. The rich can make political influence, can buy legal defence and health care, and receive education. The obtained possession is inherited so inequality is extended to the following generations. Whereas a big part of the humanity does not have all of that - they are poor, starving, cannot receive education, do not have normal dwelling. Possession is accumulated in various ways. The most realistic and the easiest way to become rich are to have rich ancestors. Possession can be gained by honest work as well such as achievements in spheres of business, political career, science, culture, and sport. However, the possession can be gained in criminal way.The reasons of appearing of possession accumulation and social inequality in Lithuania had a specification. After the independence was restored 1990 and privatization process started, the acquisition and accumulation of the possession was performed in various ways - the most frequently privatizing the state property, sometimes making shady deals. Privatization of state property was very rapid; consequently, some people became rich very quickly. In a very short period of time in Lithuania there appeared not only millionaires but also billionaires. Privatization of state property created the conditions for social differentiation. The class of non-rich people in Lithuania is rather big. The middle class is forming very slowly. Poverty is a really serious problem. Deep poverty exists among unemployed people and people surviving from family benefits. In Lithuania there is quite a big number (over 13 thousand) of social risk families with 31.4 thousand children. In order to reduce social inequality and poverty in Lithuania it is necessary to do the following things: to create more favourable conditions for the development of small and medium business; to ensure better conditions for work and payment of the workers of education, science, health care and culture institutions; to render more effective support to people in poverty and social exclusion; to use the support of the EU more effectively to increase people's welfare. [From the publication]

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2022-12-29 15:56:38
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