Беларуская мова ў Лiтве: сацыякультурны i лiнгвiстычны аспекты

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Baltarusių kalba / Belarusian
Беларуская мова ў Лiтве: сацыякультурны i лiнгвiстычны аспекты
Alternative Title:
Baltarusių kalba Lietuvoje: sociokultūrinis ir lingvistinis aspektai
Publication Data:
Вiльня : Vilniaus pedagoginio universiteto leidykla, 2009.
339 p
Mokslinės monografijos : MM serija
Bibliografija ir rodyklė.
Уводзiны — Полiкультурны рэгiён як аб'ект культуралагiчнага i лiнгвiстычнага даследавання — Кароткая гiсторыя пытання — Моунае узаемадзеянне i яго асноуныя працэсы — Балта-славянскiя лiнгвiстычныя кантакты у сiстэме аналiзу полiкультурнай тэрыторыi — Характарыстыка сучаснай этнакультурнай i лiнгвiстычнай сiтуацыi у Лiтве — Пауднёва-Усходняя Лiтва як адмысловы этна-лiнгвакультурны рэгiён — Беларуская этнiчная група у Лiтве — Сучасная лiнгвiстычная сiтуацыя у Лiтве — Дынамiка функцыянiравання беларускай мовы i яе вывучэнне на тэрыторыi сучаснай Лiтвы у XX ст. — Сацыякультурная прастора беларускай мовы у сучаснай Лiтве — Беларуская мова у адукацыйнай сiстэме Лiтоускай Рэспублiкi — Асаблiвасцi адукацыйнага працэсу у полiкультурным рэгiёне — Беларуская адукацыя у Лiтве — Сферы выкарыстання беларускай мовы у адукацыйным працэсе полiкультурнага рэгiёна — Адлюстраванне рэгiянальнай спецыфiкi у выкладаннi беларускай мовы у Лiтве — Лiнгвiстычныя асаблiвасцi беларускай мовы у Лiтве i яе уплыу у кантэксце полiлiнгвальнай сiтуацыi — Фанетычныя асаблiвасцi —Лексiка-семантычныя асаблiвасцi — Марфалаiчныя асаблiвасцi — Спецыфiка сiнтакciчных з'яу — Функцыя звароткау у мауленчых паводзiнах беларусау Лiтвы — Заключэнне — Лiтаратура — Крынiцы: слоунiкi, энцыклапедыi, мастацкая лiтаратура — Умоуныя скарачэннi — Алфавiтны указальнiк — Дадатак: Узоры тэкстау; Cпic рэспандэнтау — Santrauka — Summary.
Summary / Abstract:

LTMonografijoje yra aprašomas baltarusių etninės grupės Lietuvos Respublikoje kalbos sociokultūrinių ir lingvistinių ypatybių tyrimas, jos funkcionavimo sričių, vietos ir svarbos nustatymas šalies kalbinėje struktūroje. Tyrimo objektas yra interferenciniai reiškiniai, kuriuos lemia daugiakalbė situacija pietrytinėje Lietuvos teritorijoje. Šie reiškiniai nagrinėjami remiantis baltarusių kalbos, realizuojamos kodifikuota ir šnekamąja versija, medžiaga. Ypač didelis dėmesys skiriamas šnekamajai kalbai, kurioje dažniausiai pasireiškia kitų kalbų įtaka. Peržvelgta medžiaga liudija apie didelį morfologinės sistemos pasipriešinimą kitų kalbų elementams. Interferencijos rezultatai atskleidžia daugelio savarankiškų kalbos dalių gramatinių formų specifiką. Kai kurie gramatiniai reiškiniai būdingi ir bendriems baltarusių kalbos procesams. Remiantis suformuluotais pagrindiniais daugiakultūrinės zonos ir regioninės kultūros, kaip tyrimo objekto, nagrinėjimo principais ir suvokiant lemiamas etnokultūrinės situacijos sąvokas, buvo pateikta vienos iš baltarusių etninės mažumos kultūros formavimo struktūrų interferencinėje Lietuvos Respublikos kultūros paradigmoje charakteristika. Darbo turinys atskleidžia šiuolaikinių kultūrinių bei kalbinių tendencijų realijas ir yra svarbus ne tik Lietuvos baltarusių etnokultūrinio bei kalbinio vystymosi ypatybių suvokimui, bet ir dvasinių tarpkultūrinių ir tarpkalbinių tautų ryšių įsisąmoninimui. Tyrimas yra svarbus adekvačiam etnokultūrinio ir kalbinio paribio, kur baltarusių literatūrinė kalba bei jos modifikacijos vaidina ženklų vaidmenį, situacijos suvokimui.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Baltarusių kalba; Daugiakalbystė; Interferencija; Konvergencija; Sociokultūrinis; Etnokultūrinis; Belorussian; Multilinguism; Interference; Convergence; Sociocultural; Ethnocultural.

EN[...] The communicative function of the Belarussian language in Lithuania is determined by the limited usage of the individual in his labour and social activity, as juridically and factually Belarussian is the language of the Belarussian national group. This is obvious, as everybody needs for his successful labour and social activitily a good command of a state language - Lithuanian. The sphere of realization of the Belorussian language in Lithuania is as follows: 1) the usage of the Belarussian literary language in its two variations: codified and common speech; 2) the functioning of Belarussian dialects in Belarussian-Lithuanian frontier areas; 3) the influence of Belarussian linguistic element in the spoken and written language of representatives of other ethnic groups. The actuality of this investigation is determined by: 1) actualization of the questions of interaction of national languages and cultures in the situation of syncronous realisation and studying of communicative, pragmatic, national - cultural, socially determined aspects of functioning of language units in connection with widening of world emigration processes; 2) close interaction of grammatical, lexico-semantical wordbuilding, syntactical and other processes occurring in corresponding structures of the Belarussian language outside its historical territory with theoretical, practical tasks of the Belarussian literary language; 3) quantitative characteristics of Belarussian national minority in the Republic of Lithuania; 4) deep historical traditions in realization of the Belarussian literary language since the times of Great Duchy of Lithuania on the territory of modern south-eastern part of Lithuania.5) functioning of the modern Belarussian literary language in the codified and common speech variants and Belarussian dialects of Belarussian - Lithuanian frontier areas; 6) stable influence of Belarussian units o n the language characteristic of representatives of nations, being in conditions of constant polycultural and polylingval contact. The novelty of this research is in deep and complex investigation of the Belarussian language in the Republic of Lithuania as the language of Belarussian ethnic community in socioculfural and linguistic aspects and its transformation via intercontacts o n multicultural territory. In modern Belarussian and Lithuanian sociolinguistic and culturology literature these questions haven't found an adequate analysis. The aim of this research is the description of sociocultural and linguistic peculiarities of the Belarussian language in the Republic of Lithuania, caused b y its realization via regional contacts in polylingval situation. The realization of the aim stipulates the following tasks: 1) the characteristic of ethnocultural panorama of south-eastern part of Lithuania as a unique multinational region; 2) The determination of the place and role of Belarussian national minority and its basic culture forming structures in the infrastructure of national culture of Lithuania with the discovery of distinctive tendencies of development of culture creative activity of the subjects; 3) the determination o n sociolinguistic map of Lithuania and definition of sociocultural space of the Belarussian language; 4) the examination of the linguistic peculiarities of the Belarussian language stipulated by the influence on all linguistic levels (phonetic, lexico-semantic, morphological, syntactical) with the most influential languages used in this area (Russian, Polish, Lithuanian) in synchronous realization.5) the determination of the influence of Belarussian phonetic, lexico-semantic, morphological, syntactical structures o n the Russian, Lithuanian and Polish languages, which are in a constant contact in the south-eastern part of Lithuania. Analysing regional phenomena as objective facts of language interference, we examine them in comparison with Belarussian standard and dialect characteristics. The subjects of investigation are interference phenomena, caused by polylinguistic situation in the south-eastern part of Lithuania and based o n the material of the Belarussian language as a native one, which is used in codified and common speech variants. Special attention is given to spoken language, where because of its spontaneity and communicative mobility foreign influence is more often displayed o n all language levels. [...] The investigation of sociocultural and linguistic peculiarities of the Belarussian language in the Republic of Lithuania, as the language of the Belarussian ethnic group, the definition of its spheres of functioning, place and meaning in the lingvostructure of the country, a system analysis of the linguistic facts on different language levels, based on substantial factual material, gives the opportunity to say about a complex approach to the investigation of the Belarussian language (as a native one) in Lithuania. However, a lot of questions have been set or touched and need further investigation. [...] The contents of this research reveal the realities of modern cultural and linguistic tendencies and are very important not only for understanding of peculiarities of ethnic cultural and language development of Belarussian in Lithuania, but also for realization of spiritual intercultural and interlinguistic links between people, what favour their further investigation. [From the publication]

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