Ugdymo sąvokų vartojimas švietimo reformos dokumentuose

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Ugdymo sąvokų vartojimas švietimo reformos dokumentuose
Alternative Title:
Use of educational concepts in the documents of educational reform
In the Journal:
Pedagogika [Pedagogy]. 2008, 92, p. 56-61
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje, remiantis pedagogikos mokslo svarbiausių ugdymo sąvokų turinio aiškinimu, analizuojama švietimo reformos dokumentuose pasitaikantys šių sąvokų vartosenos netikslumai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Ugdymo tikslai; Mokymo tikslai; Auklėjimo tikslai; Purpose of research; Aim of teaching; Aim of education.

ENWhen Lithuania gained its independence, the educational reform together with other important works began. Together with the pedagogues specialists from different spheres took part in its theoretical substantiation and preparation of standard documents. Some of the specialists did not have the necessary pedagogical education that is why in their theoretical works and standard documents they used the main concepts of pedagogic incorrectly. Most frequently the concepts, which determine the process of education, were used inaccurately. This, of course complicates the understanding of the essence and the fulfillment of the aims of the reform. Firstly, the main aim of education and its relationship with partial aims – tasks was not concretely and laconically formulated. In some documents educational aims are called tasks, in others; on the contrary, tasks are formulated as aims. In some documents teaching and educational aims and tasks are confused with the main requirements for successful teaching and educational principles. Some documents present a concept of mission as a synonym for aims and tasks. Such concepts as educational methods, educational forms were used incorrectly as well. In the Lithuanian language three interdependent spheres form the content of educational process and concepts which express them are: teaching (Lehren, обучение), education (Erziehung, Zucht, воспитание) and training (Bildung, образование). Each sphere has its specific goals, principles, tasks, forms and methods. So, when we speak about teaching, we should use such concepts: teaching goals, teaching principles, teaching tasks, forms and methods. When we speak about education, we use such concepts: aim of education, principles of education, tasks, forms, methods, etc.The precise usage of concepts in pedagogic allows to understand the processes of education better and to achieve purposefully the realization of practical aims of Educational reform. [From the publication]

1392-0340; 2029-0551
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