Vilniaus savivaldos struktūra ir organizacija po ketverių metų seimo miestų reformos (1792, 1794 m.)

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Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Vilniaus savivaldos struktūra ir organizacija po ketverių metų seimo miestų reformos (1792, 1794 m.)
Alternative Title:
Structure and organisation of Vilnius municipal authorities after the urban reform of the four-year sejm (ketverių metų seimas) (1792, 1794)
In the Journal:
Lietuvos istorijos metraštis [Yearbook of Lithuanian History]. 2009, 2008/1, p. 45-72
Summary / Abstract:

LT1791 m. Seime buvo priimti 3 pagrindiniai įstatymai miestams, kuriuose numatyta vienoda miestų savivaldos struktūra ir organizacija bei apibrėžtos savivaldos pareigūnų funkcijos. Galutinai šie įstatymai įsigaliojo po 1792 m. balandžio 7–14 d. rinkimų. Po reformų Vilnius tapo miestų apygardos centru, miestų apeliacinio teismo miestu, o Vilniaus magistratas vadovavo apygardos miestų judėjimui ir prižiūrėjo miestų reformų eigą savo apygardoje. Remiantis 1791 m. įstatymais, Vilnius padalytas į 3 rajonus. Atsižvelgiant į šį administracinį suskirstymą, 1792 m. balandį buvo išrinkta miesto savivalda, susidedanti iš centrinės institucijos - Vilniaus magistrato (t. y. prezidento, jo pavaduotojo, tarybos, kitų magistrato ir miesto policijos pareigūnų) ir jam pavaldžių trijų rajonų padalinių. Magistrate susitelkė pagrindinės vykdomosios valdžios, o rajonuose - teisminės valdžios funkcijos. Vilniaus savivaldos priešakyje stojo bajorai, 1791–1792 m. priėmę miestiečių teises. Naujoji Vilniaus miesto savivalda veikė 1792 m. balandžio vid. - birželio pr. 1792 m. LDK Generalinė konfederacija atkūrė padėtį, buvusią prieš Ketverių metų seimą, tačiau naujosios savivaldos darbas buvo atkurtas 1794 m. sukilimo metu, į vyriausiąjį magistratą ir žemesnes savivaldos institucijas sugrįžo pareigūnai, rinkti 1792 m. balandžio mėnesio rinkimuose. Sugrįžę paskirtieji ir rinkti pareigūnai savo veikloje vadovavosi miestams skirtais įstatymais, priimtais Ketverių metų seimo laikotarpiu. Ir 1792, ir 1794 m. Vilniaus magistratas bendradarbiavo su Vilniaus vaivadijos Civiline karine komisija.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Vilnius; Miestas; Savivalda; Ketverių metų seimas; 1794 m. sukilimas; Vilnius; Town; Municipal authorities; Four-Year Diet; The 1794 uprising; Vilniaus miesto savivalda 1792-1794 m.; Ketverių metų seimo miestų reformos; Vilniaus magistrato sudėtis; Vilniaus magistrato veikla; Self-rule of Vilnius in 1792-1794; The Urban Reform of the Four-Year Sejm; Structure of Vilnius Magistrate; Activity of Vilnius Magistrate.

ENIn 1791 the Sejm of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth adopted three major laws concerning cities which provided for a uniform structure and organisation for self-rule of towns as well as defined functions of municipal officials. The laws in question came into full effect in Vilnius as well as other towns of the GDL and Poland after the elections held on 7-14 April 1792. Municipal officials were elected from all townspeople possessors. As a result of the reforms Vilnius became the centre of the town county, the city of the town appeals court and Vilnius Magistrate was in charge of the towns movement in the county and supervised the course of the urban reform in the county. Pursuant to the laws of 1791 and calculations of towns- People, Vilnius was divided into two districts. According to such administrative division within the town in April 1792 the municipal authorities were elected which consisted of the central institution, namely Vilnius Magistrate, and its three subordinate district divisions. The Magistrate was a concentration of the main executive powers, whereas districts undertook functions of the judicial branch. Vilnius Municipality was led by the nobles who accepted townspeople rights in 1791-1792. The new municipal authorities of Vilnius acted from mid-April to early June 1792. In 1792 the General Confederation of the GDL reinstated the situation which existed prior the Four-Year Sejm. However, the work of the new municipal authorities was revived in the period of the 1794 Insurrection since the laws adopted in Grodno Sejm did not come into effect on time and were not in the reform spirit of the Four-Year Sejm.In the period of the 1794 Insurrection, already at its outset the officials elected in the elections of April 1792 returned to the supreme magistrate and lower municipal institutions. Since municipal officials were among insurgents and served in the army, there was a constant lack of lay judges and other officials in the Magistrate. Therefore, the membership of the Magistrate was supplemented several times within a few months, though its core still consisted of the lay judges elected two years ago. Upon their return the appointed and elected officials acted in accordance with the laws intended for towns and adopted during the Four-Year Sejm. In 1794 the municipal authorities not only performed the functions stipulated in the said laws, but also implemented various instructions of the Insurrection heads, particularly those concerning provisions to the army. In 1794 the municipal authorities in Vilnius retained their organisation and structure as provided for in the laws to towns of 1791 and the same administrative division of Vilnius into three districts remained. In 1792 and 1794 Vilnius Magistrate cooperated with the Civil-Military Commission of Vilnius Voivodeship. Threatened with war, Vilnius Magistrate united with the Civil-Military'Commission and jointly dealt with the matters of security of the town, evacuation of archives and the treasury, and in 1794 issues of provisions for the armed forces. Such close cooperation in 1794 could be considered a continuation of the decision between the two institutions made on 1 June 1792. [From the publication]

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