Valstybės saugumo policijos pastangos įsiskverbti į Klaipėdos krašto nacistines organizacijas 1930–1939 metais

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Valstybės saugumo policijos pastangos įsiskverbti į Klaipėdos krašto nacistines organizacijas 1930–1939 metais
Alternative Title:
Efforts of State Secret Police to infiltrate Nazi organizations in Klaipėda region (1930–1939)
In the Journal:
Istorija [History]. 2008, Nr. 72, p. 40-52
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje remiantis Lietuvos centrinio valstybės archyvo dokumentais bei atliktais tyrimais nagrinėjama nacistinių organizacijų veikla Klaipėdos krašte ir Lietuvos saugumo policijos pastangos kontroliuoti nacistinį judėjimą infiltruojant savus agentus. Analizuojama Lietuvos saugumo policijos agentų suteikta informacija apie nacistinių organizacijų struktūrą, aktyvą ir jų ryšius su Vokietija. Išryškinama Lietuvos saugumo policijos kova prieš nacistų antivalstybinį darbą, Vokietijos žvalgybos užverbuotų agentų, radikalų grupių veiklą, atskleidžiant jų parengtų sukilimų ar pučų planus. Įvertinamas Valstybės saugumo policijos pasirengimas išaiškinti ir neutralizuoti Vokietijos agentūrinį tinklą, veikusį nacistinėse organizacijose Klaipėdos krašte. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Klaipėdos kraštas [Klaipeda region]; Nacistinės organizacijos; Valstybės saugumo departamentas; Valstybės saugumo policija; Valstybės saugumo policija, nacių organizacijos, Klaipėdos regionas, 1930-1939; Klaipeda region; Lithuania; National Security Police; Nazi organizations; State secret police, Nazi organizations, Klaipėda region, 1930-1939; The State Security Department.

ENThe object of this research is political organizations, based on the German national-socialist ideology, into activities of which the National Security Police (NSP) infiltrated its agents. They collected information about the structure of Nazi organizations, their subversive activities and relations with Germany. Political activities in Klaipėda region were followed by NSP agents, and the National Security Department, on the basis of their reports, could successfully detect the plans of Nazi organizations to organize a revolt or coup. NSP were the first to collect the information about the increasing number of the members the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSGWP), their relations with respective branches in Germany and recruited Nazi agents Theodor Hertel and Hugo Stoellger. The National Security Police were informed that members of NSDWP from Klaipėda kept in contact with NSGWP leaders through H. Moser and E. Koch in East Prussia. Its agents made reports about first Nazi organizations lead by Werner Sabrowsky, lord Ernst Rademacher, the officials of Klaipėda court Lakischus and Kurt Rehberg. […] National Security Police demonstrated a high level of professionalism as the Nazi agents that it recruited (Max Schneidereit, H. Stoellger) were infiltrated into NSDWP emissary Hans Moser's agency and the Nazi organizations in Klaipėda region (Adam Molinus). The National Security Police also disclosed a network of German spies working in post offices of Klaipėda region.According to the agents' reports, Lithuanian authorities weakened the Nazi movement and suspended the activities of German agents in Klaipėda region. The evidence of the Lithuanian Secret Police helped prove the seditious activities of Nazi parties as well as Germany's attempts to annex Klaipėda region in the trial against E. Neumann-T. Sass and other Nazis. Sometimes, however, the Lithuanian Secret Service efforts ended in failure. It overlooked a number of double agents, and German Gestapo also unmasked quite a few Lithuanian secret agents. For a long time the National Security Police had no information about the terrorist group lead by Johannes Wallat. Although the National Security Police unmasked a number of German agents and took their cases to court, the majority of the convicted Nazis were amnestied in 1938. A great number of former members of Nazi parties in Klaipėda region resumed their activities in legally working German organizations. National Security Police had to fight German General Consulate in Klaipėda, which was the headquarters of German secret services in Klaipėda region. German Consulate coordinated the activities of German spies, gave shelter to agents persecuted by the police and rendered secret information through the diplomatic post. Although in 1939 National Security Police had to leave Klaipėda region with a great amount of evidence regarding seditious activities of the Nazi parties, we cannot understate the professionalism and tenacity of Lithuanian agents to infiltrate its people into the NSGWP and closely watch the enemy. [From the publication]

1392-0456; 2029-7181
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