Nemiestietiška Vilniaus sociotopografija : valdančiojo elito žemėvalda XV a. pabaigoje – XVI a. pirmojoje pusėje

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Nemiestietiška Vilniaus sociotopografija: valdančiojo elito žemėvalda XV a. pabaigoje – XVI a. pirmojoje pusėje
Alternative Title:
Sociotopography of non-Urban Vilnius: residences of the ruling elite at the end of the 15th–the beginning of the 16th centuries
In the Journal:
Istorija [History]. 2008, Nr. 72, p. 32-39
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojamas specifinis miesto sociotopografijos aspektas – miestietiškos žemėvaldos pagrindu egzistuojantis miestiečių gyvenimas už miesto, ne tik tradiciniame mūrnamyje. Jis atskleidžiamas remiantis XV a. pab. - XVI a. pirm. pusės Vilniaus miesto valdančiojo elito pavyzdžiu. Duomenų analizė rodo, kad iki XVI a. vid. teisiškai miestiečių žemėvalda nebuvo ribojama, todėl nemažai turtingiausių miestiečių turėdavo įvairaus dydžio ir teisinio statuso žemės valdų, kurios ne tik teikdavo įvairių pajamų, o kartais atlikdavo ir rezidencijų funkcijas – jose trumpiau ar ilgiau buvo gyvenama. Tokie vilniečiai turėdavo dažnai judėti tarp valdos ir Vilniaus. Todėl šios elitinės Vilniaus miestiečių grupės sociotopografija įvairiu mastu peržengia miesto sienas. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Miestiečiai; Rezidencijos; Sociotopografija; Vilnius; 16 amžius; Žemėvalda; Burghers; Land ownership; Landed property; Residence; Social topography; Vilnius; XVI th century.

ENThe article analyzes a specific sociotopographic aspect of the city, i.e. town-dwellers' residence, on the basis of urban land ownership, outside the city boundaries. The example of Vilnius city elite at the end of the 15th and the beginning of the 16th centuries serves as the basis for the analysis. The data proves that till the middle of the 16th century urban land ownership was not legally restricted; therefore, a great number of rich town-dwellers possessed estates of different size and legal status. These estates both provided financial income and served as the places of residence, i. e. their owners lived there for a shorter or longer period of time. This group of people commuted between their estates and Vilnius; consequently, the sociotopography of this elite Vilnius group oversteps the city boundaries. The estates were acquired for the money gained from trade, granting credits to the state and noblemen and customs lease. These estates were also obtained as the ruler's presents, deposits or rents; finally, they became a permanent possession of a certain group of people.Noblemen, who settled in Vilnius, preserved their land property which was later inherited by their descendents. The estates of the Vilnius elite were mainly concentrated around the city itself as well as around Vilnius, Upytė etc pavietas (an administrative district in Poland, Lithuania etc). They were used for traditional farming, i.e. tributes were collected from the peasants. Some of the larger estates served as the elite families' residences, to mention Chacutichiai, Jarmolas, Markovichiai, Morshtinai and other families. This territorial migration often meant the rise in a social status, i. e. becoming a nobleman. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that the city's sociotopography was not identical to the urban one - the latter was considerably wider. [From the publication]

1392-0456; 2029-7181
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