Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės kultūrinių ryšių atspindžiai Vilniaus katedros lobyne

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės kultūrinių ryšių atspindžiai Vilniaus katedros lobyne
Alternative Title:
Reflections of the cultural relations within the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the treasury of Vilnius cathedral
In the Journal:
Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis [AAAV]. 2008, t. 51, p. 43-57. LDK sakralinė dailė: atodangos ir naujieji kontekstai
Summary / Abstract:

LTVilniaus katedros lobyno vertybių kolekcija tyrinėtojams bei plačiajai kultūrinei visuomenei po ilgos nebūties tapo prieinama tik 1999 m. pabaigoje Lietuvos dailės muziejui atidarius Lietuvos tūkstantmečio programos parodą Krikščionybė Lietuvos mene. Straipsnyje nagrinėjama, kaip šios vertybės ir jų kilmės geografija paliudija ar papildo egzistuojančias Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės kultūrinių mainų ir meninių ryšių istoriografines schemas. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Lietuvos Didžioji Kunigaikštystė (LDK; Grand Duchy of Lithuania; GDL); Vilniaus katedra; Auksakalystė; Lobynas; Kultūriniai ryšiai; Vilnius Cathedral; Art of jewelry; Treasury; Cultural relations.

ENThe article looks into the cultural exchange and artistic relations of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania; using as its subject valuables from Vilnius Cathedral's treasury. The article explores how these valuables bear witness to such cultural exchanges and investigates the geography of their origins. These valuables of sacred art, which were imported to Lithuania and have been kept in the treasury of Vilnius Cathedral until today, confirm the geography of the origins of the schema of GDL cultural and artistic relations that exist within the historiography of Lithuanian art and architecture. However, these valuables also provide us with new information and highlight some o f the trends and nuances of the chronological intensity and nature of these relations. For example, during the Gothic period, aside from the vicinal and Middle Europe regions, there were also more intense contacts between the GDL and Hungary, and also Italy. During the Renaissance period, a stronger orientation towards the Southwest was noticeable, i.e. connections with Italy were developed further; these artistic contacts assume the character of direct exchanges. Contacts with Middle Europe were also further developed. The geography of artistic exchanges becomes rather more expansive during the epoch of Baroque, As reregards the valuable themselves, many of the more masterfully created examples of the jeweler's art in Vilnius Cathedral's treasury were simply named as works of the "Augsburg's work" in the contemporary inventories of Vilnius Cathedral. These slender art works of Classicism, mostly created by local masters, do not allow us to make wider generalizations, though it is possible to see the natural intensification of the contact with the centre of the epoch of the Enlightenment, France (for example, the use of a fabric for ornaments).At the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, after the division of the Republic of the Two Nations, when the larger part of Lithuania was incorporated into the Russian Empire, the traditional cultural relations of the GDL were partially disturbed as their intensity and directions changed. Many works of the jeweler's art appeared in the treasury of Vilnius Cathedral during the periods of Classicism and Historicism; these works of art were created in Russia (St. Petersburg, Moscow) and Poland. Nevertheless, Italy, Germany, Austria, France still remained important partners of cultural and artistic exchanges. Vilnius Cathedral treasury's surviving examples of jewelry and textiles bear strong witness to the artistic tendencies and preferences of this most important Catholic Lithuanian Temple. They are also testament to the fact that the most eminent and able Lithuanian patrons sought to secure the services of the most prominent and productive centers of handicraft, in this way insuring a rather high level of finished artistic product. [From the publication]

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