Ogrody barokowe Kiszków i Radziwiłłów w Wilnie na Puszkami

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lenkų kalba / Polish
Ogrody barokowe Kiszków i Radziwiłłów w Wilnie na Puszkami
Alternative Title:
Baroque gardens of the Kiszka and Radziwiłł families in Puszkarnia, Vilnius
In the Journal:
Barok. 2006, 13, nr. 1 (25), p. 133-154
Summary / Abstract:

LTTeritorija į vakarus nuo Katedros, šiaurėje ribojama Neries, o pietuose Kačergos upelio, miesto sienos ir Odminių gatvės, vakaruose siekianti Vilniaus gatvę vadinama Pūčkoriais. Pavadinimas kilęs nuo Žygimanto Augusto šioje vietoje įsteigtos patrankų ir varpų liejyklos. Anksčiau šis rajonas dar vadintas Lukais arba Lukiškėmis. Tas rajonas labai įdomus. XVI a. I pusėje jame buvo dvi didelės didikų Radvilų (Biržų šaka) rezidencijos arba rūmai – Boguslavo prie Neries ir Jonušo šalia Vilniaus vartų. Dalyje teritorijos arčiau pilies stovėjo didžiojo kunigaikščio ūkiniai pastatai, šalia gyveno rūmų amatininkai. Žinoma, kad XVI a. pr. Pūčkoriuose turėjo žemės Kiškos. Taip pat žinoma, kad XVIII a. didžioji dalis Pūčkorių priklausė Nesvyžiaus Radviloms. 2001–2002 ir 2004 m. archeologiniai tyrimai bei išlikusių Vilniaus miesto planų analizė leido patikslinti daugelio valdų ribas. Lokalizuotas Polocko vaivados Jono Kiškos sklypas, pažymėtos Radvilų valdos. Straipsnyje aptariama šių ir kai kurių kitų valdų istorija. Kaip priedas pateikiami Jono Kiškos 1623 m. ir Boguslavo Radvilos daržų inventoriai.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Vilnius; Puškornė; Patrankų liejykla; Radvilos (Radziwill; Radvila family); Sodai; Lukiškės; Vilniaus Žemutinė pilis; Vilnius; Puszkarnia; Gun-foundry; The Radvilas family; Gardens; Barokas; Baroko epochos sodai; Kiškai (Kiszkas family); Baroque; Radvilos (Radziwill; Radvila family); Lukiškės; Pučkoriai; Vilnius Lower castle; The Baroque Gardens; Kiszka family; Puszkarnia.

ENThe gardens of Puszkarnia in Vilnius began to flourish in the first half of thc sixteenth Century, with the construction of a new garden by Sigismundus Augustus on the Vilnia River. This garden, which stretched towards the Radziwiłł palace on the riverside of Neris where a young widow Barbara nćc Radziwiłł occasionally lived, could have initiated the tradition of creating décorative gardens by the mansions and palaces of the Lithuanian elite, who for a long time had their sites in Puszkarnia. However, the next information we have about a decorative Baroque garden with a labyrinth cornes from before 1623. It was the palace garden of Jan Kiszka, a palatine of Polotsk. and it adjoined the western side of the wall enclosing the palace of Janusz Radziwiłł, castellan of Vilnius. In 1623 the garden was bought by the widow of the Vilnius castellan, Elzbieta Zofia Hohenzollern. Thus, as it could be seen on the plan of the Radziwiłł palace on the Neris from before 1655, the palace was surrounded by gardens with maze, both on the side of the Lower castle (eastern side) and of the stone bridge (western side). In due time both the Radziwiłł palaces in Puszkarnia came to the hands of Krzysztof 'Thunderbolt' Radziwiłł (whether by purchase or inheritance), who in 1599 bequeathed them to his two sons - Janusz and Krzysztof II. A son of the latter, Janusz Radziwiłł palatine of Vilnius, in 1653 built a brick Baroque palace near the Vilnius Gate. At the back of the palace was constructed a garden which was destroyed by the Muscovites and was not restored until 1667.Then through the marriages both palaces went finally to Bogusław Radziwiłł, a son of the castellan of Vilnius and Elzbieta Zofia Hohenzollern. An undated 'Description of the Palace Garden of His Lordship Prince at the Vilnius Gate' containing the depiction of the coat of arms planted out in flowers in front of the building suggests that in Bogusław time the palace near thc Vilnius Gate was being thoroughly restored. After the death of Bogusław, the palaces were inherited by a minor daughter. Ludwika Karolina, and were managed by appointai administrators. But the last member of Birze branch of the Radziwills deeided to live in Germany, which in consequence led to the seizure of the palace on the Neris by Karol Stanisław Radziwiłł, ordynat of Nieśwież, in 1694. The coat of arms of princess of Neuburg Ludwika Karolina were removed, but the new owner was not interested in further restoration of the palaces in Puszkarnia. We have no information about their Baroque gardens. Throughout the eighteenth Century the palaces were in ruins. The most ruined of them, the palace on the Neris River, was pulled down in the early nineteenth Century. The other, at the Vilnius Gate, was spared this fatc but today there is no trace of the decorative coat of arms garden of Prince Bogusław Radziwiłł. [From the publication]

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